6) Required Reading

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Hazel was at home when she heard a knock on the door. Hazel got up and answered the door seeing Scott. "Scott what are you doing here" Hazel asked.

"To apologize" Scott said and Hazel crossed her arms. "Last night I didn't mean what I said" Scott said.

"If you didn't mean it why say it, were you trying to hurt me" Hazel asked.

"No, of course not, I love you more than anything" Scott said. 

"Scott I'm not Peter okay and it seemed like that's what you thought of me" Hazel said. "I don't I promise" Scott said and Hazel sighed.

"I'm still mad at you and I'm not gonna let you off the hook too easily" Hazel said.

"I know" Scott said. "Good" Hazel said. "Will I see you later" Scott asked and Hazel nodded. "Guess I'll see you then" Scott said and left.


"My mom's book club usually has more wine" Lydia said. "Well, they also probably don't read books that cause violent hallucinations" Stiles said.

"That's why Malia's here" Scott said. "So none of us go running into traffic" Kira said. "Or worse" Scott said.

"Like what happened to Judy" Malia said and everyone looked at her. "Chapter 14" Malia said.

"I never wished I could get drunk more than I do right now" Hazel said.

"Also can someone remind me why he's here" Hazel asked motioning to Theo.

"Why do I have a feeling you don't like me" Theo asked.

"What gave you that impression the fact that I could easily beat you to death and make it look like an accident or the fact that your voice makes me want to rip my own throat out" Hazel asked.

"Why does it feel like Derek's still here" Stiles asked. "Who's Derek" Theo asked.

"My brother you moron the one guy who would literally help me tear you limb from limb liver by liver piece by piece before dragging your body out to the ocean" Hazel said.

"Okay moving on Hazel like it or not we need him and he's offering to help" Scott said and Hazel rolled her eyes. "Fine" Hazel said giving in. 

"Maybe I should have my mother read it" Lydia said grabbing a book.

"She might remember a girl with a tail leaping off the ceiling and attacking everyone" Lydia said.

"Yeah, if it works" Stiles said. "It has to" Lydia said. "What does that mean" Scott asked. "I think I saw them during my surgery when I look at the cover of the book it's almost like" Lydia said.

"A memory trying to surface" Theo said. "Yeah" Lydia said. "Isn't that what Valack wanted when he wrote it" Kira asked.

"If they did something to me I want to know what it is" Lydia said. "Well I say we get this over with the sooner the better" Hazel said and grabbed a book leaving with Lydia to sit down while everyone else grabbed a book and took a seat. 

After a couple moments later of reading Hazel looked at Kira worriedly and saw she was struggling.

"Anyone feel anything yet" Scott asked. "Tired" Kira said. "Hungry" Lydia said. "I think he meant the book" Theo said. Hazel focused on Stiles after hearing him and Malia talking.

"What did you do to your shoulder" Malia asked. "What are you talking about" Stiles asked.

"I can smell the blood what happened" Malia asked and Hazel tuned out of the conversation giving them their privacy.

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