1) Memory lost

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Ghost Riders and lost memories

(Episode 1-10)


"What were you two thinking" Noah asked Scott and Stiles. "We were just trying to help" Scott said.

"Why don't you try and help me understand what happened here" Noah said whispering the last part. "Right well we were trying to gently persuade him to pull over" Stiles said.

"Yeah" Scott said, and they explained what happened. "He was getting away" Scott said.

"He got away" Noah said. "Right because obviously he's some sort of criminal mastermind dad" Stiles said.

"Uh huh you want to guess what the stolen merchandise is hmm" Noah said and opened the back of the van. "Critical lifesaving medical equipment" Stiles said. "

"No" Noah said. "Poison gas" Stiles said. "Nope" Noah said. "Filled with drugs" Stiles said. "Helium" Noah said. "Helium" Stiles said.


"This could be a good thing" Scott said. "That we saved helium" Stiles asked. "If Hazel was in this car, she'd smack us, you then me if not together" Stiles said.

"Sounds like her" Scott said smiling. "And I mean that they don't need us anymore" Scott said.

"Okay well they need us they just don't know it" Stiles said. "We're all going off to college soon, so Beacon Hills is gonna have to survive without us" Stiles said.

"Beacon Hills will burn to the ground without us" Stiles said. "Stiles, they don't need us" Scott said.

"Hey when does Hazel get back from visiting Derek" Scott asked. "She said she should be back today" Stiles said.

"I thought about what you said" Scott told Stiles and Stiles looked at him. "Im going to win her back no matter how long it takes" Scott said.

"Just don't break her heart again I mean it okay wolf or not I will kill you if you hurt her again" Stiles said. "I won't" Scott said and Stiles's phone vibrated.

Stiles looked at the text and looked at Scott. "They need us" Stiles said.


"Dad" Hazel said as soon as she walked through the door. "Hello anyone home" Hazel asked.

"Right here" Deaton said and walked over to Hazel. "How was your time with Derek" Deaton asked and hugged Hazel.

"Oh, you know lots of family bonding" Hazel said before pulling away from the hug. "Did I miss anything" Hazel asked. "No nothing at all" Deaton said.

"Seriously nothing at all I came back too early" Hazel said and Deaton smiled.

"Oh well I'm going to put my bags in my room and tell Stiles I'm here" Hazel said and grabbed her bags heading to her room.


"Hmm" Lydia said, and Stiles quickly sat up. "What" Stiles said. "This is a perfect shade for me forget the name" Lydia said. "Can we please stay on topic here" Stiles asked.

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