3) sundowning

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"Stile an arrangement of steps that allows people, but not animals to climb over a fence" Scott said reading what was on the screen.

"Yeah, somehow I don't think these are the stiles we're looking for" Lydia said. "Hazel, have you found anything" Scott asked. "Not a thing" Hazel said sighing.

"Maybe Malia's found something" Scott said. "No, she's been taking a make-up test all morning" Lydia said. 

Suddenly they all heard howling. "Malia" Hazel said. "I guess the test isn't going well" Lydia said and they went to where they knew Malia would be.

The others stayed behind while Scott tried to approach Malia.

"Malia hey it's okay you're safe" Scott said to a coyote Malia. Malia snarled at Hazel before barking at him.

"Im not gonna hurt you" Scott said and Malia snarled before barking at him. "I think she's calling down" Scott said.

"Maybe you should growl back" Noah said seeing Malia barking and Malia growled before barking.

"Scott you're the alpha" Noah said. "Can't you just make her a little more docile" Noah asked and Malia growled. "She's not the problem we are" Lydia said.

"This is her territory maybe we need to get out of her and let her calm down" Hazel said and Malia barked.

"Yeah, come on, come" Scott said leading everyone to the other side of the room. "Malia came here to get through the full moons then we started using the lake house" Lydia said.

"I thought you said a wild animal got in the lake house" Natalie said.

"Honestly you should be grateful with some of the things she doesn't tell you" Hazel said and Lydia nodded agreeing with Hazel.

They all looked seeing Malia transformed back causing Noah to look away once she transformed. "It's alright I'm okay" Malia said.

"Good thing I brought these" Hazel said and gave Malia the clothes and Malia put the clothes on.

"Any idea what made her shift" Noah asked. "She's under a lot of pressure school, her life after graduation" Scott said. "Her mom trying to kill her" Lydia said.

"That shouldn't make her shift" Scott said. "You sure you're okay" Hazel asked Malia who nodded.

"Could it be connected to Stiles" Scott asked Lydia. "Hard to tell since we don't know what a Stiles is" Lydia said.

"It's a, he" Noah said. "Who" Hazel asked him. "Stiles it's a family nickname I never used it but uh my father did" Noah said.


"Thanks honey" Noah said to Claudia who sat down next to Noah. "Mm- hmm" Claudia said.

"He was an army engineer ended the war one bridge at a time" Noah said and gave the picture to Scott.

"And he went by Stiles" Scott said causing Hazel to look at the picture over Scott's shoulder.

"So, what's this got to do with the Wild Hunt" Noah asked. Lydia nodded at Scott while Hazel rested her hand on his shoulder which Lydia noticed and slightly smiled.

"We think that somebody was taken from us" Scott said. "Someone important" Hazel added.

"Any idea who" Noah asked. "Uh the ghost riders would have erased our memories" Scott said.

"Well now that's confident" Noah said. "We found a clue the word Stiles" Lydia said. "And that's why you wanna talk to Elias" Claudia said.

"Mm yeah maybe he can help us figure it out maybe he knows who we're looking for" Scott said. "Now this is someone your age" Noah asked.

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