6) honesty

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Hazel was in her room catching up on some homework when Issac walked in. "Hey" Issac said. "Hey" Hazel said, and Issac sat on her bed next to her.

Isaac had just sat there and smiled at Hazel. "Why are you smiling at me like that" Hazel asked.

"I'm just so grateful you're my girlfriend" Isaac said. "Even if you made our relationship complicated by making me question if I have feelings for Scott" Hazel asked.

"Wait what I thought you didn't like him" Issac asked. "So did I and then you asked if I liked Scott and then I don't know I just started noticing things I never noticed before" Hazel said.

"I don't know what to do" Hazel said after a moment of silence putting her books to the side. "I really like you, but I think I'm slowly falling for Scott maybe I always have and just never seen it till you brought it up" Hazel said.

"So are you saying this could have been avoided if I never brought it up" Issac asked.

"I don't know maybe" Hazel said. "So, what do you want to do" Isaac asked. "I guess I have no choice we have to break up maybe stay friends that is if you're okay with being friends" Hazel said.

"You want to break up" Issac asked. "I can't be with you if I'm having feelings for Scott that's not fair to you, I'm better than that" Hazel said and Isaac smiled at her.

"I'm literally breaking up with you and your, smiling at me" Hazel said. "You just have a beautiful heart you could have hurt me by cheating on me or worse but instead your honest with me and that's probably one of the main reasons why I liked you so much" Issac said.

"I just don't want to hurt you; you deserve so much okay you deserve everything you could ever possibly want" Hazel said and Isaac smiled.

"Well, you gave me one thing" Issac said. "And what's that" Hazel asked.

"A hot ex-girlfriend" Issac said, and Hazel playfully hit him as he laughed. "Shut up" Hazel said and Issac smiled. "So, friends" Hazel asked.

"Yeah, friends I wouldn't ever not wanna have you in my life so if that means friends then friends it is" Issac said and Hazel smiled, and Issac got up and left the room.


Derek had gone in Hazel's room and sat on her bed as Hazel saw. "Hey, I heard you and Isaac broke up" Derek said. "Yeah, we did" Hazel said.

"Do I need to kill him" Derek asked making Hazel smile a little. "No, no I broke up with him" Hazel said. "Why I thought you really liked him" Derek asked.

"I did but I can't be with him if I may have feelings for someone else it's not fair to him" Hazel said. "Scott" Derek asked.

"Yeah Scott" Hazel said. "Bout time you started realizing it" Derek said. "Shut up" Hazel said.

"Hazel it's hard not to see how you look at him I was starting to think you would never realize that you're completely into him" Derek said. "Okay whatever besides even if I do have feelings for him, it doesn't mean he feels the same" Hazel said.

"He be an idiot if he didn't Hazel, you're a one of a kind okay and I'm your big brother I want what's best for you and if that means being with Scott then so be it" Derek said.

"Thanks Der I needed that" Hazel said. "Always I'm gonna go grab us something to eat I'll be back" Derek said and Hazel nodded.

Derek then left the room leaving Hazel alone with her thoughts.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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