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Hazel, Liam, and Scott were on the lacrosse field when Scott looked up. "Did you feel that" Scott asked. "Feel what" Liam asked.

"Thought I heard something forget it" Scott said. "Maybe you're hearing things" Hazel said.

"Alright let's keep going" Scott said to Liam tossing him the ball. "Or we could call it" Liam said. "We gotta work on your back shots" Scott said.

"Why" Liam asked. "Liam, they suck" Scott said. "Wait what" Hazel said. "What are you talking about" Liam asked.

"Your back shots which suck" Scott said. Liam started aiming his back shots perfectly with Scott missing every time. "I must've been thinking of someone else" Scott said.

"Yeah, maybe someone else who should be captain" Liam said. "We'll make it" Scott said and the lights turned off.

"There, goes the lights" Hazel said. "Well guess we have to go now" Liam said.

"No, we don't" Scott said and glowed his eyes along with Liam and Hazel so she could see them practice.


Liam dropped the net as he looked. "What's wrong" Scott asked. 

"Something's happening to Mason" Liam said as he and Hazel took off with Scott following them.


Hazel, Scott, and Liam ran in the school when they saw Mason and Corey as they were about to attack the three but stopped realizing it was them. 

"They were here the ghost riders" Mason said. "Here just now" Scott asked. "I thought they left when the storm left" Liam said.

"I think we all thought the same thing" Hazel said. "I guess not because two of them were right up there" Mason said motioning to where they were. "What were they doing" Scott asked.

"We didn't see when they came in, we only saw them when we turned invisible" Mason said.

"You brought him into this" Liam asked Corey. "He was trying to protect me" Mason defended Corey. 

"Uh they didn't seem to care about us they, they walked right by us" Corey said. "Then what happened" Scott asked. 

"Uh then they just jumped down and left" Mason said. "Why would they come and then just leave doesn't make any sense" Hazel said. "That's it" Liam asked. 

"Yeah" Corey said. "They didn't take someone there was nobody else in here" Scott asked. "No, it was just us" Corey said.


Hazel saw Lydia and went to her locker. "Hey Lydia, you okay" Hazel asked seeing her expression.

"Yeah, I just I uh woke up last night because I kept hearing this sound almost like a train coming in my room" Lydia said. "Could it be a banshee thing" Hazel asked. "Maybe" Lydia said.

"But why would I be hearing a train" Lydia said. "Beats me you're the banshee" Hazel said.

"Hey, you'll figure it out okay I'll see you in class" Hazel said and went to class.


"I'm impressed with most of you it really speaks to your study habits and your commitment to your own education everyone else see me for extra help" Ms. Fleming said.

Hazel kept looking in front of her looking at the empty desk almost like there should be someone sitting there but quickly snapped out of it.

Malia's claws came out and looked at Ms. Fleming causing Lydia and Hazel to see Malia's claws.

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