10) the overlooked

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"Okay all medications should be sealed in the plastic bags and the patients carry it in their hands when you've completely evacuated the room you mark the door with a red x okay" Melissa said as the hospital was losing power and gave them a marker as they ran off when a doctor came up to her.

"What's going on" he asked Melissa. "The weather called for mild thunderstorms this morning" he said.

"And now they're saying power is already out in several towns Hill Valley's under a flood watch" Melissa said.

"I live in Hill Valley" he said. "Are your patients clear" Melissa asked. "Uh" the doctor said looking at his chart. "All except for Hazel Hale" the doctor said.


Peter and Cora was watching Hazel worried. Peter kept dapping at her with a wet rag worried about his niece.

"Hey anyone want to tell me when they're getting my niece out of here" Peter asked. "Sorry but she wasn't uh" Melissa said coming in the room and looked up seeing Peter.

"You're supposed to be dead" Melissa said. "I get that a lot actually" Peter said and Hazel sat up throwing up black liquid and Cora rushed to her. "Is that" Cora asked. "Yeah" Peter said.


Derek heard Jennifer call for him as she ran in. "Derek where are you" Jennifer asked, and he made his appearance. "Right here" Derek said, and she hugged him.

She pulled away from the hug looking at Derek while he tried to act like he knew nothing.

"Something happened at the recital at the school okay I need to tell you before you hear it, before you hear any of it from them" Jennifer said.

"From who" Derek asked. "Scott, Stiles" Jennifer said. "They're gonna tell you things, things you can't believe you have to trust me okay you trust me" Jennifer said. "What is it" Derek asked.

"Promise you'll listen to me" Jennifer asked him. "I promise" Derek said and Jennifer kissed Derek but pulled away once she realized he wasn't kissing her back.

"They're already here aren't they" she asked, and Derek looked at them and they walked in while she faced them.

"So, they told you it was me that I'm the one taking people" Jennifer asked. "We told him you're the one killing people" Scott said. "Oh, that's right" Jennifer said laughing. 

"Committing human sacrifices what cutting their throats yeah I probably do that on my lunch hour that way I can get back to teaching high school English the rest of the day that makes perfect sense" Jennifer said.

"Where's my dad" Stiles asked. "How should I know Derek tell me you don't believe this" Jennifer said, and Derek looked at Scott and Stiles before looking back.

"Do you know what happened to Stiles' father" Derek asked. "No" Jennifer said.

"Ask her why she almost killed Lydia" Scott said. "Lydia Martin, I don't know anything about that" Jennifer said. "What do you know" Derek asked.

"I know that these boys for whatever misguided reason are filling your head with an absurd story" Jennifer said. "And one they can't prove by the way" Jennifer said.

"What if we can" Scott asked holding a jar of mistletoe. "What is that" Jennifer asked. "My boss told me it's a poison and a cure which means you can use it and it can be used against you" Scott said.

"Mistletoe" Jennifer said and then he opened the jar spreading it to her while she revealed her true form. She tried to get away, but Derek grabbed her by her throat.

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