16) plans

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"It worked" Lydia said once she got a text from Mason. "It's about time" Malia said going to get out when Hazel stopped her. "Wait" Hazel said.

"I hear them too" Malia said. "Hear what" Lydia asked. "Heartbeats" Scott said. "How many" Argent asked. "Ten" Scott said. "More" Hazel told Scott. "Are we breaking in or not" Lydia asked.

"Not the armory should be empty by now" Argent said. "We can take down a few hunters if we have to" Malia said.

"We're dealing with a dozen well-armed hunters who have orders to kill you on sight" Argent said. "In that case any idea how, we are supposed to get inside" Hazel asked.


Argent started up the car when Malia reached over and turned it off.

"Gerard thinks we're gone it's a good plan" Malia said. "It's our only plan" Lydia said. "And it's not working" Argent said.

"We don't exactly have a lot of options to come up with a better plan" Hazel said. "We can still do this let's vote" Malia said. "Guys we just need to give Liam and Theo more time" Scott said.

"We have ten minutes, ten minutes before Gerard's people flag this vehicle once that happens, we'll be seen as a potential threat" Argent said.

"Then what" Hazel asked. "They'll pay us a visit" Argent said. "You okay" Scott asked Lydia snapping her out of her trance.

"Yeah" Lydia told him. "I think so" Lydia said. "We should call off this mission" Argent said.

"Brett and Lori are gone and Jiang and Tierney are still missing" Scott said. "They're probably dead" Hazel said.

"Gerard's always one step ahead of us we have to do this now" Scott said. "We're too exposed Scott" Argent said. "You said we had 10 minutes" Malia said.

"Nine" Argent said after looking at his watch. "What do you think you're doing" Hazel asked seeing Scott grab the door handle.

"I'm gonna lure them away so that we can get inside" Scott said and Hazel took Scott's hand off the handle and locked it. "We need a new plan" Scott said.

"Not one that will get you killed" Hazel said. "I'll bring the thermite charges" Scott said. "We need them for the armory" Malia said.

"Explosion will buy you time but not enough to get in and out safely" Scott said.

"Guys" Lydia said. "What about the tunnels" Hazel asked. "We could get underneath building but we'd still need to sneak in undetected" Argent said.

"Guys" Lydia said. "The ventilation system" Scott asked. "Same problem" Argent said. "Guys they're leaving" Lydia said.


Argent slowly opened the door and shot at the camera before opening it all the way.

Everyone then walked in the building. "The thermite charges will take care of the weapons just make sure you're clear before they detonate okay" Argent said leaving with Lydia and Malia.

Hazel closed the door before following Scott. Scott stopped at a corner and heard a heartbeat.

He put up one finger referring there was only one. Hazel ran to the guy and right when he was going to shoot, she stopped him and knocked him out-cold.

"Is it bad if I say that was fun" Hazel asked. Scott and Hazel went through the door once it was unlocked.

"I thought the guns were supposed to be here" Hazel said not seeing them. "They knew we were coming" Scott said.

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