Prologue: Lights Up, Light

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JANUARY 28, 2005




I stood by the warehouse door and thought about the crowd of people that surrounded me. The police force that works with me and Near along with his crew as I waited for them to die. Useless fools. I thought to myself. I turned and looked at Near. "Near," I called out. He tilted his head waiting for me to say something. "Here's something to feed your thoughts. That notebook you have and the one that Aizawa brought from the Japanese Task Headcourters. Are they both real?" Near widened his eyes. I began to walk around the room. "If you truly want to defeat Kira, as well as test the notebook that Aizawa's carrying..." I stopped and raised my arms up. "I guess you're gonna have to write down my name or Mikami's." Near didn't respond. Instead, he just looked at me with a dirty look. "Just so you can prove that it's real..." I removed a piece of the notebook that I had hidden in my watch. "Or fake!"  I began to write down Near's real name on the piece of paper I collected from the notebook.

"He's hidden a piece from the notebook!" Rester pointed at me and shouted. "Matsuda!" I heard Aizawa shout. I then felt a sharp pain hit my hand. I groaned and dropped the pen along with the paper I collected from the notebook. I started to heavily breathe in and out of my mouth and turned to look at Matsuda who was holding a gun. "Matsuda, you idiot!" I shouted at him. "Don't screw with me!" "What was it all for then?" he asked. "What about your dad? What the hell did he die for?!" I kept heavily breathing as the blood from my hands started to drip onto the concrete floor. 

"My Dad?!" I asked right before I cackled. "You mean Soichiro Yagami? That's right, Matsuda. In this world, all those earnest people like him who fight for justice; they always lose. You want a world where people like that are made to be fools?! I know you understand so kill the others!! Shoot them!!" Tears ran down Matsuda's face. "You lead your own father to his death." he cried. "And now he's gone, you call him a fool?!" I didn't respond. Instead, I tried to write Near's last name on the piece of paper with my own blood. "His blood!" Rester shouted. Matsuda yelled and shot me four more times before I fell to the ground. "AUGH!" I groaned from the pain. Matsuda ran up to me until he pointed his gun at me. "I'll kill him, I'll kill him!" he repeated twice. "He has to die!" Matusda tried to shoot me in the head but was pulled back before he could.

"It's finally over, isn't it?" I heard Rester ask. "Yes," Near answered. I lay there in pain as I panted for air. "Where are you, Misa?! Where are you, Takada?!" I cried out. "What will I do now?!" In the distance, I heard a man scream. I looked up and saw Mikami slitting his chest open with a pen and falling to the ground. "Mikami!" Rester shouted as he and the others ran up to him. I got up and opened the barn door with every bit of strength that I had. "Quick! We have to stop the bleeding!" Ide said. "It's too late. He'll be dead soon." I ran out the door and didn't look back. "Wait, Light!" I heard Matsuda shout. "He's getting away!" Aizawa shouted.  

In my wounded state, I tried to run away. I cried as I remembered what happened the first day I found the Death Note. I could only imagine what my life would have been like if I hadn't picked up the Death Note. My father would still be alive, Sayu wouldn't have been kidnapped by Mello, and wouldn't have been traumatized due to that incident. But Misa...would she and I have ever crossed paths if I didn't find the Death Note and became Kira? My God! What would she do if I died like this? My God, I don't wanna die like this! I ran until I saw an empty warehouse I dropped down onto the staircase and lay there in pain. 


My eyes glowed all red as I knew what I was about to do as I watched Light stumble in pain to the warehouse. "Well, Light. It looks like you've lost." I began.  "Remember how, in the beginning, when we first met, I told you that I'd be the one writing your name in my notebook? That is part of the agreement between a Shinigami who brings a notebook to the human world and the first human who picks it up." I watched as Light stumbled across the upper floor into the warehouse. 

"If they put you in prison, who knows when you'd die? And I don't wanna lie around waiting. So, it's all over. You'll die here. It's been good while it lasted. We eased each other's boredom for a little while." I picked up the notebook and wrote Light's full name into the notebook. "Well, Light," I said. "It's been interesting." I looked up as the evening sky soon turned into night. The sunset, the moon, and the stars were so beautiful. As much as I would have loved to stay in the human realm, I knew I had to go back to the Shimigami realm. As the night drew further, I flew away into the night back to the Shinigami Realm. 


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