JANUARY 20, 2006
After unlocking the door to my house, I opened it and walked in. "Light, I'm home!" I called out. "Up here!" I heard Light call out from my room. I closed the door and made my way to my room, but that's when Khloe stopped me. "Hey, Khloe," I bent down and petted her. "How are you doing, sweetie?" I looked up at the staircase and went up to my room once I was through petting Khloe. I knew that Khloe was coming up the stairs to my room with me since I could hear her panting and footsteps coming from behind me. I opened the door to my room and saw Light sitting there in my chair throwing an apple up in the air and catching it. After a few seconds, Light turned around and looked at me. "Oh," he let out. "You're back. How did it go?" "It was okay," I answered. "I enjoyed seeing Geffrey, Saiko, and their gang get a taste of their own medicine, but the bad news is that I have homework." I took my backpack off and dug into it. "It doesn't make it any better because the assignment I have is Algebra," I complained to Light as I pulled out a folder from my backpack that had my homework in it. "What kind of Algebra?" Light asked.
I handed Light the assignment without giving him a straight answer that came out of my mouth. He looked at the assignment and slightly tilted his head a little bit. "Hmm," he let out before straightening his head back up and putting the piece of paper down. "Nothing I can't help with." he continued. I sat down on the chair at my computer desk once Light got up. When he came back, he was busy carrying Christy's green-furred chair (which was her favorite chair) from her room. "Hey!" I let out. "That's Christy's! You can't just take her favorite chair from her room!" Light rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Christy's not here," he informed me. "I'm sure she won't mind." He brought the chair into my room and placed it right beside the black-furred chair that I had at my computer desk. "She's pretty upset after what happened to her piano," I reminded Light. "I'm sure she doesn't want anything happening to her other stuff." "Heh," Light chuckled. "I won't do anything unless you make me angry," he assured me.
Light sat down in Christy's chair and picked up a pencil. "Okay," Light began as he pointed the pencil at my paper. "So we have x squared equals y squared so we..." I started to doze off again and take a trip down memory lane. Remember that I said that John helped me with my Algebra assignment while we were dating? Well, that's exactly what I thought about at that moment.
MAY 30, 2005
"And..." John began. "That is the answer to Question 10." He looked up at me. "You did it!" John cheered. "You're done!" "Yes!" I cheered right before I laughed. "Man, I really hope that I don't get held back in Junior year as all my friends get to go up to their senior year. "You will," John assured me. "You are so smart." I chuckled. "I suck at Algebra," I told him. "I only make an average grade in Algebra thanks to my dad. He's the one that always helps me with my homework." "Oh," John let out while nodding. "Anyway, do you think we can still see each other in the summer?" he asked. "I've been held back for two years and if I get held back again, my dad will kill me and force me to start working at the anime store with him." "Well," I said. "At least you'll be working at an anime store instead of a grocery store or a convenience store." John sighed. "Doesn't that sound interesting?" I asked.
"Yeah, but...I don't wanna think of myself almost turning 60 and still having no actual job except for looking after a store," John told me. "My dad has had some problems in life which is why he hasn't had any great jobs since he was kicked out of his college when he was almost twenty." I lowered my head. "Oh," I let out. "I'm very sorry to hear that. Maybe one day my parents can get to meet your dad." John was a little on edge after I said that and nervously chuckled after I said that. "Well," he began. "That sounds like a good idea. Maybe you can probably ask your parents if you can work in my dad's store with me." I laughed. "That sounds like a good idea, sweetie," I told John right before I embraced him. "I love you." "I love you, too," John said back as he rubbed my back a little bit. "Marie?" I heard a faint voice call me. "Marie?" I heard the voice grow louder. "Hey!" I now heard the voice more clearly. It was Light's voice!

Death Note: The Next Kira (Part One)
FanfictionOne year after the events of Death Note, a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old Gothic girl and wannabe witch named Anna Marie Monroe moves to Japan with her acquaintance, Christy Grim who dreams of starting a singing career. Marie tries to get used t...