Chapter 78 (PART ONE): A Disappointing Morning

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FEBRUARY 26, 2006


AT 6:45 AM


I woke up in the queen-sized bed closest to the window. I stretched my arms and yawned as I sat up in the bed. I turned to the right and saw that the sun wasn't shining through the window. I figured that it was cloudy outside. I looked at the chair next to the desk and saw Ryuzaki sleeping in it because I knew how much he liked to sleep in chairs. I smiled knowing that Ryuzaki was okay. He was sleeping and he was sleeping well. I was excited to see what the day held for us. Today was a new day and hopefully, it wouldn't be worse. I'd dreaded to think that something bad would happen. A lot of bad stuff has happened this week. Mr. Mikami was arrested and found out that the Other Kira was killing innocent people, Near was almost killed, and now I'm being followed by two men in ski masks. Well, it's not just me. Ms. Hirota's had it rough too. Ever since Mr. Mikami got arrested, she's been acting depressed. Knowing that two men were following her. I wondered if Chief Matsuda told her that I was being followed too. 

I watched as Ryuzaki leaned over in his chair and snored with his mouth open. I laughed once I saw this. I didn't know that Ryuzaki was funny at times, even when he was sleeping. My laugh didn't seem to wake Ryuzaki up. He was still sleeping in his chair as if he was a male version of Sleeping Beauty a.k.a Princess Aurora or Snow White. To be fair, he looked cute when he was doing that. However, I knew that he wouldn't like it if I kissed him. Okay, maybe a kiss on the forehead or the cheek, but not a kiss on the lips. Not to say that I didn't like it. I did, but I had no idea what Ryuzaki was thinking when he kissed me. I wasn't sure if he was telling me the truth. I had no idea if Ryuzaki liked it when we kissed or if he was just being nice to me. However, that didn't change the fact that he was cute. It's no wonder I had a crush on him back when I was younger. 

I continued to sit there in the bed and watch Ryuzaki sleep. That's when I heard my phone ringing. "Hmm?" I asked. I picked up my phone, flipped it open, and placed it up to my ear. "Hello," I greeted the person on the phone. "Good morning," I heard a familiar voice on the phone. It was Ryuk's! I chuckled after I heard Ryuk's voice. "Good morning, Ryuk," I told him. "Anyway, how did you get my number? I thought Vincent didn't have a phone." "He doesn't," Ryuk told me. "Just calling from his house phone." "Oh, okay," I told Ryuk. "What's up?" "Not much," he answered. "Just can't believe you and Light have the same birthday. What a coincidence that the first Kira and his successor have the same birthday." "Yeah, I know," I told Ryuk. "It's crazy, but not like a bad crazy. More of a good crazy. Seventeen was decent, but I can't wait to see what eighteen is going to bring." "Heh heh," Ryuk laughed. "I'm sure it will be great." I chuckled. "Hopefully," I said out loud. I heard a phone ringing in the background. "Alright, got to go, someone's calling," Ryuk said to me. "Talk to you later." 

I closed my phone and placed it back on the nightstand by the bed that I was in. I got out of bed and made my way to the window. I could feel the cold air sweeping in through the window since it was cold outside. I looked at the sky and saw that the sun wasn't up yet. Usually, by this time when I was in Texas, the sun would be up. Maybe Japan's Daylight Saving Time would have been different if they had it. The street lights were still on. They lit up the street well as I looked down and saw something that I didn't want to see. I almost screamed at the sight of the same white van parked outside the hotel. I couldn't believe it. How did they know that I was here? Last night, I went out to get Ryuzaki some cake and a katsu sandwich for me at a 7/11. I didn't see the white van all night and now it was here. I got pretty scared and didn't know if I should go down to the lobby so I could eat breakfast. 

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