AT 6:00 PM
Minako and I walked into Wolfgang Steakhouse. "Hello," I greeted the woman at the front. "Table for two please," I informed her. "Of course," the woman told us as she got up and guided us both to a table. "Here you are." "Thank you," I told the woman. "Of course," she told us right before she left. Instead of sitting down, I decided to go up to Minako and gently took her coat off before she sat down. "Thank you," Minako told me right before she sat down "Milady," I said to her softly as I rubbed her shoulders and gave them a soft massage. Minako softly moaned as I gave her shoulders a massage. "That feels so good," she said seductively. I continued to massage her shoulders until..."Sir," I heard a guy say. I turned and saw a waiter at my side. "This isn't a massage parlor, this is a restaurant," he informed me. "And if you don't sit down, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."
I took my hands off Minako's shoulders and slowly nodded. "Okay," I said to him. "I'm sorry." I watched as the waiter turned around and walked away. I walked to the seat beside Minako's feeling very speechless. I sat down feeling the same way. "That was good while it lasted," Minako commented. "Maybe you should take a job at a massage parlor." I chuckled. "I would, honey, but I've always had a passion for teaching," I reminded her. "I know that I haven't told you this, but I think it's time that you already know that I was first kidnapped when I was eight years old. I had just stopped a crowd of bullies from bullying one of my best friends, Terrance from getting bullied. Terrance and I missed the bus so we walked the way home. Terrance lived a few blocks down from my house so I had no problem with walking on my own. I was about two blocks away from my house when it all happened. A man in a ski mask grabbed me and threw me in the back of the van. I screamed and thrashed around trying to escape, but they told me to shut up. What scared me the most was that they had threatened to kill me."
I paused as I remembered the time vividly, even though I was twenty-six now and I was eight years old back when I first got kidnapped. "They threatened me with guns and a pocket knife," I continued. "Even when I promised them that I was going to be quiet, they still tied me up and taped my mouth. I was so scared...I had no idea why they were doing this. They took me to the base and it was there that I was pretty scared that they were going to kill me. Looking back on it, I still didn't know which was worse. Getting killed or being sold for money. Either way, I thought that I was never going to be with my family again. I was never going to see my real parents get out of jail and I was never going to be with my foster parents nor was I going to be with their daughter ever again. In an unexpected twist, that's when a miracle happened. A man wearing a Spider-Man costume came in and beat up my kidnappers. He didn't stop until the kidnappers were out cold. Once they were all knocked out, the man took off his mask and told me that he was going to help me. When we walked out of the base, there was a swarm of police officers outside. They thanked the man and made sure that I was alright. Once they made sure I was alright, they drove me back home and I was able to be with my foster family again. In court, I wanted to make sure that my kidnappers paid the ultimate price for kidnapping a child. Luckily enough, the judge was so moved by my testimony and of course, the kidnappers were sentenced to ten years in prison with a small possibility of parole. I thanked the police officers and the man in the Spider-Man costume. It was there that he revealed to me that he was a teacher from a nearby school around the area."
"Which school did he teach at?" Minako asked. "He was a teacher at La Vega Middle School," I answered as a smile grew on my face "And boy, he was super cool. As you can tell, he was a huge fan of Spider-Man and told us that even as a kid, he wanted to become the real-life Spider-Man when he grew up. Sure enough, to me and to many other children,...he really was the real-life Spider-Man." My smile faded. "Unfortunately, he died in 1990," I continued. "How did he die?" Minako asked. "There was a break-in," I answered. "Two men broke into his home. He tried to call the police, but the phones weren't working. Sure enough, the robbers found him near the phone and they shot him several times." I paused and tried not to cry as I told Minako the story of how the real-life Spider-Man was taken away from us. "He lived alone with his dog so no other humans were with him. His mother came to see him the next morning and she was shocked to find her son lying in a pool of blood with bullet holes ranging down from his chest to his stomach. The whole community was devastated, even I was devastated. My inspiration and hero was dead. There was nothing anyone could do about it. He was gone and he would never be able to save anyone else ever again."

Death Note: The Next Kira (Part One)
FanfictionOne year after the events of Death Note, a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old Gothic girl and wannabe witch named Anna Marie Monroe moves to Japan with her acquaintance, Christy Grim who dreams of starting a singing career. Marie tries to get used t...