JANUARY 22, 2006
I went downstairs after I brushed my teeth and saw Christy setting things up in the living room. I looked around in curiosity. "What's going on here?" I asked. Christy stopped what she was doing and looked up at me. "Oh, good morning, Marie," she answered. "I'm actually inviting some friends over from work for a Bible study." I was a little bit confused once she said that. "Bible study?" I asked right as Christy nodded her head. "Are these newcomers to Christianity or have they been Christians for a while?" Christy shrugged. "Eh, both and both," she answered. "But both are good." Christy got up after fixing the flowers on the coffee table and sighed. "Marie, can you please go to the kitchen and help make us some sweets?" she asked. "Our guest would probably like some delicious homemade cookies along with some brownies." I looked at Christy with my eyes wide open. Was she being dead serious right now? Baking sweets when we have a Sweet Snatcher that's probably in the house. I thought. "You're baking sweets?!" I asked. "But don't you remember we had a Sweet Snatcher in the house with us yesterday?! Steve told us not to bake any sweets so that we can drive The Sweet Snatcher away!" Christy chuckled. "It's probably alright now, Marie," she answered trying to calm me down. "I'm sure that The Sweet Snatcher is probably gone now. Now, let's get baking."
After she assured me that The Sweet Snatcher was probably gone, Christy and I started baking tons of cookies and brownies. What really surprised me was that The Sweet Snatcher didn't show up. Even after we made a whole batch of cookies and brownies, he or she didn't take anything. I started to believe what Christy said and thought that maybe it was just a hobo who was so hungry that they started using their skills to steal our sweets. It wasn't long before Christy's friends started to come in. I recognized Lizzy Silver, but other than that, I didn't recognize the others. I sensed that a few of them were from America like Lizzy and that the rest were of Japanese descent. I continued to bake sweets and came up with the perfect idea to please her new friends. I gathered up the sweets I baked and placed them on a tray. I dressed up in an outfit similar to Wednesday Addams, but I couldn't braid my hair because it was too short while they were in the middle of their Bible study. Thankfully, Christy's friends were too busy to notice me since I was baking sweets in the kitchen, and they were busy with Bible study.
Once the Bible study was over, Christy said a prayer to God praying that He would watch over everyone's family, friends, and loved ones. I took a mint chocolate chip cookie that wasn't on the plate gathered the rest of the sweets and ate it. "Amen," Christy said which ended the prayer. "Amen," all of her friends said. I then went up to Christy and her friends with the tray of food in my hands. "おはようございます。" I began. "今日、この聖書のセッション中に、アメリカのクッキーやブラウニーのようなお ⁇ 子をお届けします。 ⁇ 良調査よりずっと前から日本語を勉強してきました。" Everybody looked around and nodded. "Clever girl," one of Christy's Japanese friends said to each other. "人々はキリスト教の神について多くの信念を持っています。ほとんどの人は彼が良いと信じており、私のような一部の人は彼が単なる神話であると信じており、神は邪悪な神であると信じている悪魔主義者がいます。" I continued. Everybody gasped and looked at each other and that's when Christy started to glare at me. Her Japanese friends murmured to each other and didn't know what to say. I brought the tray of food closer. "空腹?"
Everybody looked at each other and nodded right before they took some of the sweets. Meanwhile, I looked up at Christy and saw her cross her arms still glaring at me. I then heard the oven dink. "Ooh," I said. "クッキーの時間!" I went straight to the oven and got the cookies out. After the Bible lesson was over, Christy and I had a little chat about what I said during her Bible lesson in my room. "Why the heck would you do that to my friends?!" she asked furiously. "Not everybody believes in God the same way as Christians do, Christy," I answered. "Telling people how non-believers and Satanists viewed God?!" she asked enraged. "Why would you tell them something like that?! You could have just stopped right when you told them that some people don't believe that there is a God!" "People don't always share the same beliefs as you do," I answered. "Not everybody believes in God or believes in him to be what the Bible says he is." "But not everybody believes the same way that Satanists do!" Christy protested.

Death Note: The Next Kira (Part One)
Fiksi PenggemarOne year after the events of Death Note, a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old Gothic girl and wannabe witch named Anna Marie Monroe moves to Japan with her acquaintance, Christy Grim who dreams of starting a singing career. Marie tries to get used t...