Chapter Twenty-Five (Final Part): More Drama with Ryuzaki/Comprehending the News

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JANUARY 24, 2006


AROUND 11:58 AM 


I looked at the door and watched as it was opened by none other than Christy. Khloe barked and ran up to her once she saw that she come home. Christy laughed once she saw Khloe. "Hi," she said. "I missed you, pup-pup." After a little bit, Christy looked up and me as she was petting Khloe. "I heard about what happened at the school," she told me. "Are you okay?" I nodded quietly. "Yeah," I answered. "I think so." Christy stayed silent as Khloe turned around and looked at me as she continued to pant. Christy formed a smile on her face. "I'm glad to hear that you're okay," she informed me. Soon, Christy's smile faded. "But one thing that gets to me is that...the rumors." "What rumors?" I asked. "The rumors about you having a panic attack and telling everybody that the school was going to collapse," Christy answered. "Are those true?" I nodded. "They are," I answered softly. Christy widened her eyes and dropped her jaw once she heard this. "They are?!" Christy asked. I nodded without saying anything. 

She was a little shaken up once I told her that the rumors about me were true. "But how?" I asked. "How did you know that the school would collapse?" I sighed. "I fell asleep in class and I had a vision," I answered. "I was just hoping that it wouldn't happen." I paused for a moment and lowered my head. "I must have hoped for it so hard that I actually started to think that it would never happen," I continued. I looked back up and Christy only to see that she still had the same shocked look on her face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked. "Like what?" Christy asked. "You're giving me the same look that everybody gave me right after the school collapsed," I answered. "Everybody looked at me like I caused this." Christy shook her head as she tried to think of an answer to give me. "I'm sorry, Marie," she said. "It's just that...this is very weird you know. You have a vision about the school collapsing and a few minutes later, it collapses." She paused for a moment. "It sounds like something straight out of Final Destination. And also, have you been watching the first one with the airplane or the second one with the huge pileup accident? Plus, did you know that they're creating a third movie with a roller coaster?" 

Christy seemed like she was freaking out now. I didn't know how to calm her down, but I didn't want her to panic either. "I did," I answered. "I knew that they were making a third movie for a while now." Christy tried to compose herself and did her best not to freak out. "Well," she began. "I always knew you were gifted, Marie. However, I didn't think you'd be THAT gifted. I mean, having a vision about the school collapsing is NEXT LEVEL." Her brown eyes met mine at that moment. "At least this is a gift from God," Christy told me. "A very good and merciful God, that is." I chuckled and shook my head. I didn't believe in the God of Christianity since I was thirteen. I started having doubts when I was twelve because he allowed so many bad things to happen and let the Devil have power. I didn't know why a good and loving God would also send his loved ones to Hell. Either he wasn't all-loving or he doesn't know that he sends you to Hell. Nevertheless, I stopped believing in God and in all that Christianity soon after. 

"What is it?" Christy asked out of curiosity. "Nothing," I answered. "Just...not the most devout Christian." Christy slightly turned her head. "You sure?" she asked. I nodded. "Oh yeah," I lied. "I just study a whole lot of religions to see what people believe of God and all." Christy looked like she didn't believe that completely. She placed her thumb under her mouth and I have to admit I did feel uncomfortable at that moment because she looked like L a.k.a Ryuzaki who almost pushed me off the balcony. "You don't practice all that, do you?" she asked. I got confused when Christy asked me that. "Practice all what?" I asked. Christy held out her hand as if she was going to start counting. "You know," she answered. "Magic, witchcraft, and sorcery." she brought her fingers down as she said that. "You don't talk to ghosts and spirits, right?" I shook my head and lied. "No, I'm too scared to mess with all that devil stuff." 

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