Chapter 82: The Kira Cult/Taking Action Against Rina

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FEBRUARY 28, 2006


AT 1:00 PM 


I was sitting in the backseat of Buffy's car with Light. I had no idea where Buffy was taking me, but I knew that this was a cult I was dealing with so I had to be prepared for some crazy stuff. "So tell me more about this cult," I said to Buffy. "Is it anything like I think it is?" Buffy shushed me. "I don't wanna give too much away," she answered. "I'll spoil the surprise." "It's not what you think it is," I heard Light say. I turned and looked at him. "It's not?" I asked. Light shook his head. "No," he answered. "You're not gonna see anyone ripping other people's hearts out or people sacrificing babies to you." "Light!" I heard Buffy say. "Why would Kira want anyone to rip anyone's heart out or sacrifice babies to them? This is the Goddess of the New World we're talking about, not Satan." I scoffed and crossed my arms. "Well, of course, I'm not Satan," I commented. "If anyone has the right to be called Satan, it's Rina." Light nodded his head. "You're right," he agreed with me. "Yeah," I heard Buffy say. "I could see that considering how violent she turned out to be." 

AT 2:00 PM 


"Here we are," Buffy announced. I Iooked at the building and I instantly thought of The Bronze from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. "Wow," I let out. "This is giving me a huge Buffy The Vampire Slayer feeling." Buffy chuckled. "That's my favorite show," she commented. "Cool," I said to her. "I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but I have to say that Sabrina the Teenage Witch has always been my favorite show since the '90s." "Nice," Buffy laughed. "Sabrina the Teenage Witch always made me laugh. Salem is the star of the show." I laughed. "He is," I agreed. We all got out of the car and walked to the building. I heard Buffy lock her car before she walked in front of us. "Excuse me," she said to us. We all stopped at the door of the building. At that moment, Buffy turned around and looked at us. "Before we go on," she began. "I need to take care of something first." Light and I watched as Buffy turned around to face the door. She knocked in the rhythm of the first two verses of Misa's Song before someone opened the mail slot on the door. 

"What's the password?" the girl behind the door asked. Buffy scoffed. "Seriously, Kori?" she asked. "It's me, Buffy." Kori sighed. "Sorry, sis," she told Buffy. "That's not the password so I can't let you in." "Hey!" Buffy screeched. "I'm the leader of this place! You shouldn't be asking me for the password! If anything I should be asking you for the password, Starfire!" Buffy sighed and lowered her head before looking back at Kori's green eyes. "Please just let me in," Buffy begged. "It's important." Kori's eyes glared at Buffy. "Why should I believe you?" Buffy turned and gave me a slight look. "This girl is Kira," Buffy answered. I saw Kori look at me. Her eyes widened and she gasped. She quickly closed the mail slot, unlocked the door, and opened it. I got a good look at her. Kori looked somewhat like Starfire from Teen Titans. She had dark pink hair and bottle-green eyes, unlike Buffy who had chartreuse-green eyes. Kori was also wearing a long-sleeved purple crop top which revealed her entire belly. She was wearing a pair of deep blue jeans with purple high heel boots on her feet. 

"I can't believe it," she said out loud. "This girl is the real Kira?" Buffy nodded. "Yep," she answered. "And she has the Shinigami to prove it." Kori looked past me and looked at Light. However, it didn't seem like she saw Light. "Huh," she let out taking the smile off her face. "You don't say." "Oh," I let out. "I'm sorry about that." I walked up to Kori as I pulled on my watch. "I don't think you can see him, can you?" My watch came open revealing a piece from the Death Note. I took the piece of paper out and tapped Kori's hand with it. Seconds later, she gasped once she saw Light. "Her Shinigami!" Kori exclaimed. "I can see him." Kori held her mouth open as she looked at Light. "I can't believe it," she continued. "Light Yagami, the original Kira." Kori looked back at me. "And you must be his successor if that makes him your Shinigami. What's your name?" "Marie," I answered. "Marie Monroe." Kori gasped. "No way," she let out. "The girl that warned everyone about Buffy's school collapsing is Kira? It can't get any better than this!" Kori calmed down after that. "Oh, here you are, Kira," she continued making a way for us. 

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