JANUARY 28, 2006
I was still in shock and couldn't believe what Geffrey and his gang had done to Near. I mean, throwing him off the balcony and into a pool? What were they thinking? I watched as Lidner took Near inside so that he could dry off before they left. Maybe it wasn't a good idea for Near to come to the party. Especially not with Geffrey and his guy gang here. I wonder if Saiko came too. If she did and if she did have something to do with this, I would sure give her a piece of my mind. "Wow," Kyrie let out. "I sure wasn't expecting that to happen. I hope Near will be okay." "I'm sure he will," Vincent told her. "Yeah, but getting thrown off a balcony and almost driving in a hybrid heated wave pool is something that can really shake you up for a little bit," Hailey told us. "Thankfully, Aaron came with us so that Near nor either of us would have drowned."
As of now, I was inside with my friends and I was super angry at Geffrey for hurting Near. My God, for the first time, since I went on the airplane ride to Japan with Christy, I was super happy that I threw that apple right in his face and didn't know it. What a jerk he was. At first, I thought that there was some good in him, but turns out that if there is, there's very little. I really wanted to right Geffrey's name with the piece of the notebook that I hid in my watch like Light showed me. Although I was very much at the bowling point of writing Geffrey's name with my hidden piece from my Death Note, I knew that I couldn't kill him because he had no criminal record...yet. I still held that fear of being killed by Light if I killed someone who didn't have a criminal record or wasn't truly evil inside. Nevertheless, I decided to let it slide and spare Geffrey's life. I just really hoped that Saiko also had nothing to do with this too. I mean, yes, she loves Geffrey, but if she helped him with this whole plot with Near, I would beat her to a pulp. What they did to Near was unforgivable. I felt bad for Halle who was really shocked after she watched Near fall off the balcony and almost drown in the pool.
I heard Hailey sigh. I turned and saw her with her arms crossed. "I'm so happy that Near's okay," she told me. "I can't even imagine being thrown off a balcony and almost drowning in a heated wave pool." "Tell me about it," I told Hailey quietly. I heard footsteps approaching us. I turned around and saw Alissa approaching us. "Near is in the shower," she told us. "Halle's guarding the bathroom so that no one comes in there and sees him." There was a pause when Alissa crossed her arms. "I'm going to go get a drink with Osuke," she continued. I watched as Alissa walked to the non-alcoholic drinks bar and sit beside Osuke.
I sighed and then heard the sound of boys laughing. I looked up and saw Geffrey laughing his booty off with his friends along with Saiko and her gang. "Did you record all of that?" Geffrey asked as he tried to contain his laughter. "Tell me you recorded all of that, baby." Saiko snickered. "Hell yes I did, baby," she replied. "In fact, I was even responsible for turning on the wave pool and almost drowning that creepy manchild freak!" I made an angry look on my face and clenched both of my fists in anger. She was involved in this?! How could she do this to Near?! I thought to myself as I shook my head.
Without thinking, I ran up to Saiko out of sheer rage. "Saiko, I think you'd like to take a trip to the freaking hospital, you psycho!" I shouted right before I tackled her down. Saiko yelped as I tackled her down. I punched her in the face with the goal of giving this menace a bloody nose after what she and Geffrey did to Near. "Get off of me!" Saiko begged as I continued to punch her in the face. "You just had the make the situation worse, didn't you?!" I asked. "You and Geffrey nearly killed Near! How can the both of you be proud of what you've done to him?!" "Piss off, Anna!" I heard a guy say as he got me off of Saiko. I yelped as I felt his arms underneath my chest. "Let go of me!" I begged. I turned around and saw that the person that removed me from Saiko was none other, than her boyfriend, Geffrey.

Death Note: The Next Kira (Part One)
FanfictionOne year after the events of Death Note, a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old Gothic girl and wannabe witch named Anna Marie Monroe moves to Japan with her acquaintance, Christy Grim who dreams of starting a singing career. Marie tries to get used t...