Chapter 75 (PART FOUR): Looking For Near

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FEBRUARY 24, 2006


AT 5:30 PM 


I walked downtown and searched for Near amongst the crowd of people. Despite seeing so many people, I saw that Near and Lidner were nowhere to be found. I had no idea where they were or which hotel they were staying at. Although it seemed hopeless at first, I knew that I had no keep looking for Near. If not, there was no telling what would happen to him. I was worried since the Other Kira said that she would probably kill him either way. Although I knew that I was intervening, I had to save him. Near was still my friend even though I was Kira. I had to make sure that Near didn't or that I was Kira or anybody working with Near found out that I was Kira. It would be bad if anyone found out that I was Kira because they would probably tell Chief Matsuda and I would get arrested. Thankfully, Sam was able to keep my secret and I hadn't told anyone that I was Kira. Maybe he liked me a lot or maybe he was just a great and honest person who liked me a lot. I had no idea if Sam was my soulmate or not, but if he was then this would be a sign that he truly is the one. 

I knew that Ms. Seraphim knew that I was Kira. She and Sam were the only ones who didn't have Death Notes but knew that I was Kira. The only other people who knew that I was Kira had Death Notes. Although I was scared of what Near would do if I was Kira, I was more scared of how he would react once he learned that Light was my Shinigami. Near had no idea that I was a witch either, but I didn't want him to learn that I was a witch if he ever were to find out that I was Kira. He may think that I got into witchcraft around the same time that I found the Death Note. I knew that I had always been a weird child and an outcast. I was fascinated with the good witches in the movies I saw as a child, but I never thought that I would be one. At the age of thirteen, I had this feeling. This weird feeling that something inside of me told me that I wasn't like the others in my family. Weird stuff started happening around me. Lights would flicker, TV static would go off, and numerous scenes from movies with witches would just come on like that. The images of pentagrams, candles, crystals, cauldrons, familiars such as black cats, and obscure images of a dark forest appeared on the TV. That's when I visited a store that had spellbooks and other stuff. 

The lady at the front was a witch and I asked her if I could talk to her for a moment. I told her about all of the weird stuff and that I was beginning to think that I was a witch. That's when she asked her crystal ball if I was a witch or not. She also informed me that if the crystal ball had a pentagram in it when I held it that meant that I was a real witch. If not, then I wasn't a witch. I'll never forget when I first held it. That's when the crystal ball glowed purple and a pentagram. I was shocked when I came to that discovery. I was a witch! I wasn't just a normal girl after all! Ever since then, I've been studying witchcraft and spells. I even had a broom that I used to fly on, but I haven't been flying on my broom for a while. My mother became suspicious of me practicing witchcraft so I had to cut down on the spells and stuff. I didn't want to, but I wasn't going to go back to my life before I discovered that I was a witch. I lived in a religious family who believed witches to be handmaidens of the devil, but most witches in real life didn't worship the Devil. I knew that some witches did, but most of them didn't. They believed in other Gods and Goddesses like Hecate. I'd say that I was the first witch to be an Atheist. Okay, maybe not the first witch, but maybe the only witch that I knew of who was an Atheist. 

The more and more I thought about the fact that I was a witch, the more and more I realized that I could use my magical powers to save Near. As long as the Other Kira didn't know that I was a witch, she would see what was coming. I walked down the street and continued to search for Near. 

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