JANUARY 30, 2006
We were busy watching what was happening on the TV. It was still a live scene from downtown Tokyo and it was pretty much the first time I had ever seen people die on live TV. I mean, it's much more chilling to see people die right in front of you, but not if they were people with the most evil hearts. Those people have no right to live. Those who call me evil, but do no evil will be spared. However, those who call me evil and do harm to innocent people are the ones who will die. I will never kill people who don't understand Kira's way. My way. I am the new Kira and just because I have a Shinigami who was the Kira who started it all, doesn't mean I'll do things his way. It seemed like Chief Matsuda and Commander Aizawa were still pretty much in shock as everyone in the crowd was. Thankfully, they snapped out of their frozen-in-fear trances when they looked down at something.
"Grandpa, please don't die," I heard the same boy who Himiko had in her clutches earlier say. Chief Matsuda and Commander Aizawa gasped once they saw the boy beside his wounded grandfather. The camera panned down and we saw the boy along with his wounded grandfather. I was surprised, but very happy that the boy's grandfather was still alive since I saw him heavily breathing. The boy turned around and looked up at the police officers. "Chief Matsuda, Commander Aizawa," he told them. "Is my grandpa going to be okay?" I watched as Chief Matsuda and Commander Aizawa bent down to check on the boy's grandfather. "Please, don't worry about me, Kirito," the grandfather said. "It'll be okay. Everything will be okay." Kirito seemed to be getting emotional. "No, Grandpa," Kirito begged. "You need help. I won't lose you too."
Just then, Chief Matsuda realized something. "Hey, I think I have some gauze," he said out loud. Chief Matsuda then pulled out a roll of gauze from his pocket. Just then, Commander Aizawa lifted Kiriko's grandfather's shirt and they wrapped the gauze around his stomach where he got shot. "Is this going to make him feel better?" Kiriko asked. Chief Matsuda turned and looked at the boy. "It'll help," he answered. "But your grandpa's gonna spend a few days in the hospital so that he'll get some help." Just then, an ambulance drove down the same road where Sarang died and turned on its sirens once they saw what was going on. They turned in the same direction where all of this happened and people cleared a path for the ambulance. That's when Commander Aizawa got up after completely wrapping the gauze around Kiriko's grandfather's gunshot wound. "Hey!" he shouted as he waved his arms up to signal the ambulance to stop right down the road.
Just then, the ambulance stopped right in front of him. I saw a man come out of the driver's seat. "What's going on, Commander Aizawa?" he asked. "A man got shot since some people were trying to test out to see if there really is another Kira among us." The doctors that were in the ambulance rushed out of it. "He's still hanging out, but he won't last for long if we don't take him to the hospital soon," Commander Aizawa commanded them. We watched as the doctors placed Kiriko's grandfather on a stretcher before placing him inside the ambulance. "Oh my goodness," I heard a woman say. The camera panned away and we saw a woman who looked to be around the same age as Kiriko's grandfather. "Grandma!" Kiriko shouted as he ran up to her and gave her a big hug. "Oh, Kiriko," his grandmother said. "What's happened?" "Grandpa got shot since these people were trying to provoke the current Kira," Kiriko answered. "But Kira saved me and these two other girls too." "What?" Kiriko's grandmother asked. Just then, Kiriko looked around. "Where's Mom?" he asked. "She's with your sister," Kiriko's grandmother answered.
"Okay," the camera lady said. "Let's go back to the studio with Daiya." Just then, the scene went back to the studio where Daiya was. Unlike most people would, she had a surprised happy look on her face. I made a serious look on my face once I saw this. How could she be so happy in a time like this? "Why is she making that face?" I heard Ryuzaki ask as if he was freaked out about something. "Wow," Daiya let out. "Can you believe it?" She got up from her seat. "A new Kira is among us!" Everyone in the audience cheered. "A new Kira amongst men and women of Japan!" Daiya continued. "A savior has risen in the name of our old Kira. Whoever you believe it is, this man or woman will carry on the legacy of Teru Mikami who my father fell victim to. And tonight, we celebrate the dawn of a new era and a new Kira! Praise Kira!" "Praise Kira!" the audience chanted. "Kira! Kira! Kira! Kira! Kira! Woo!!!!!!"

Death Note: The Next Kira (Part One)
FanfictionOne year after the events of Death Note, a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old Gothic girl and wannabe witch named Anna Marie Monroe moves to Japan with her acquaintance, Christy Grim who dreams of starting a singing career. Marie tries to get used t...