Pre Chapter 78: Two Wanted Criminals

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FEBRUARY 25, 2006


AT 12:35 PM 


I came inside the Task Force Headquarters with Ryuzaki behind me. Even though I knew that no one could see me, I had to be wary of anyone who believed in ghosts because they could see Ryuzaki. I didn't study much about phantoms, but I knew that they believed that they were still alive, but the reality was that they were dead. Other than that, I heard rumors that people who believed in ghosts could see phantoms. I was beginning to think that phantoms were ghosts who believed that they were still alive. In a way, they were. No, I meant they were. It's been a month since Marie and I found out that Ryuzaki came back as a phantom. Although this was freaky, I've got used to having Ryuzaki around. Believe me, I had no idea that I would come back as a Shinigami after I died. The last thing that I remembered was seeing a hallucination of Ryuzaki before I died. When I woke up, I was underwater and I had no clothes on. Thankfully, Ryuk was kind enough to place a cloak over me before the Shinigami King gave me some clothes. 

As I told Marie, the Shinigami King had cast a spell on me to make sure that I wouldn't kill Near or anyone who defeated me in life without there being any consequences. I don't know how to deal with that. I still don't know how to deal with that. There are a few Gods and Goddesses that the Shinigami King cursed. I've seen what the Shinigami King would do if those who do what they shouldn't have done since they were cursed. I knew that I could no longer try to kill Near, Matsuda, or anyone else who defeated me. I knew that with Ryuzaki by my side, I couldn't do anything to Near. I also couldn't let him know that I was the first Kira and that the whole world knew that I was Kira. It was a challenge keeping Ryuzaki from knowing something like that, but I had to go along with it. I was happy that he believed that Teru Mikami was Kira. Not to be selfish, but if Ryuzaki hadn't blacked out what happened, then things would have been pretty ugly when we first met again. 

"So, Light," I heard Ryuzaki say. "Huh?" I asked as I looked at him. "What now?" Ryuzaki asked. "I know that we're here, what now?" I realized the whole reason we came here. "Oh, right," I let out. "We have to get inside the file room, then we can look up some of the post-Kira cases. Let's go." Ryuzaki and I ran to the file storage room so that we could discover the identities of the people who followed Marie along with Ms. Hirota. "Is there anything notable about the criminals you saw in the van?" Ryuzaki asked. "Yes," I answered. "They were wearing ski masks to cover their faces, but when they took their masks off, I thought their faces looked very familiar. They were criminals that I saw on the news last year when I was looking for a successor. At first, I was looking in Japan for somebody, but I didn't find anyone who I liked. This went on for quite a while. I kept looking across the world on almost every continent, but I didn't find anyone interesting. Just when I thought that all hope was lost, that's when I discovered Marie. That's when I discovered that she was the perfect successor to me. I'm glad that she was the one who picked up my Death Note and not anyone else from her school, because if it was someone else, then maybe I would..." 

"Okay, okay," Ryuzaki interrupted me. "I get the message. You didn't want anyone else other than Marie to take ownership of your Death Note. And to be clear, I think Marie was a good choice since I have high hopes that she won't become a pathetic murderer." I turned around and made an annoyed look on my face. "Ryuzaki!" I let out. "What?" he asked raising his arms. "I didn't say that she would become a murderer." "If I would have known that she'd go down the same path as I..." I tried to say. That's when Ryuzaki gave me a suspicious look on his face. "I mean, Teru Mikami," I lied to Ryuzaki. "If I would have known that she would go down the same path as Teru Mikami did, then I wouldn't have wanted her to find my Death Note." Ryuzaki glared at me. "For someone who isn't Kira, you are very cautious with one's actions," he commented. I shrugged. "Who wouldn't be?" I asked him. "The Shinigami King was very angry after what happened after Teru Mikami died and he didn't want what happened with Kira to happen again, but then again, you know me. Your dear buddy, perfect innocent Light would never go against what the Shinigami King desires." 

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