JANUARY 20, 2006
"And wrap that up and hand it to Mr. Yamamoto on Monday, because you're finished with your homework," Light said as he handed me my finished Algebra assignment. I took the assignment from Light and placed it back into the folder I put it in. I sighed once I placed my homework back into the folder that I had it in. "Well, what's wrong with you all of a sudden?" Light asked. "I thought you were happy that you finally finished your homework." I didn't answer Light as I placed my folder back into my backpack. "Uh-oh," Light began. "Don't tell me you're feeling homesick already and want to go back to your personal life of moping about how you and John are more than likely never gonna see each other again." I glared at Light and thought about tying him up along with putting tape on his mouth. "No," I answered. "It's just that there's going to be a lot of stuff that I'm gonna miss a lot of stuff that's going on down in Waco with my family." "
Huh," Light let out. "Didn't your parents tell you that once they agreed to allow you to move to Japan with Christy Grim?" "Well...yes," I answered. "So you're only motive for moving to Japan was to get over John, was it?" I shook my head. "I couldn't just stay there," I answered Light's question. "John and I live in the same community and go to the same school. He's been held back in the eleventh grade three times. I can't just stay there and graduate with him. It's way too much for me to see him with another girl..., especially Destiny. That's his ex-girlfriend who constantly abused him and all. I've heard rumors that he might be getting back together with her since I had my friends who got to move on to senior year check up on what's going on in his life. I hope that they are just rumors and that John won't be getting back together with Destiny because every time they'd get back together, she would keep lying to him about how she's changed and all, but Destiny's nothing more than just a complete hoe. She would just keep on going back to her old ways and just keep on abusing him. John can do better than that foul arse and he deserved better than Destiny too."
Light didn't respond after I told him that. The silence between us kind of fell upon us for almost a minute. I didn't know if he already knew about Destiny and how much I hated her for treating John poorly like he was nothing. I already knew that John's dad was arrested for sexual assault and animal abuse. I was scared to think about which side Light would take. My parents and brothers sided with Destiny due to John's dad's history of criminal offenses. I always knew that Light stood for justice...most of the time, but that was when I looked up to him as a hero. As you already know, I stopped looking up to Kira once I learned of the disappearance and possible death of Naomi Misora. I didn't know if Destiny had a criminal record or not. "Actually," Light began. "I don't know John that well, but I know that he would never hurt you and that he loved you enough to die for you and to take care of you for the rest of your lives together. I'm sorry that you guys broke up." I looked at him with a look of sorrow on my face. "And if you really must know, Marie," he continued. "I stand with you and John, not with that tramp who got you held back in eleventh grade." I chuckled as I wiped the sad look off my face. "Thanks, Light," I told him. "Maybe I could give you something to eat on my way back from my walk with Khloe." Light smiled. "That would be nice," he said. "I'm craving some burgers and fries like the ones you had at lunch so if you please..."
I got up from my bed and went to go get Khloe. "...Get me a burger with fries please," Light continued. "It can be anywhere...McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, I don't really care where you get it from." I closed the door right after I left my room and got my phone out. "I totally forgot that Celeste turns twenty today," I told myself as I dialed Celeste's number and called her. I brought the phone up close to my right ear as I heard the phone ringing. It rang a few more times until, "Hello," I heard a familiar voice answer the phone. "Happy Birthday, Celeste," I told the person on the other end of the phone. "Oh, hey, Marie," I heard Celeste say. "How's it going? Are you in Japan right now?" "Yes, and it's quite the experience," I answered. "I'm just going to take the dog out for a walk and I'll be back." "You have a dog?" Celeste asked. "Well," I answered. "It's not exactly my dog, it's my roommate's dog. My roommate is Christy Grim. You know, the popstar I've been talking to you about. She was the opening singer for Christina Aguilera, Avril Lavigne, and My Chemical Romance."

Death Note: The Next Kira (Part One)
FanfictionOne year after the events of Death Note, a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old Gothic girl and wannabe witch named Anna Marie Monroe moves to Japan with her acquaintance, Christy Grim who dreams of starting a singing career. Marie tries to get used t...