MARCH 27, 2006
AT 11:50 PM
I was back on the bus waiting for us to reach our destination. I looked outside the window and saw that we were getting closer to Yokohama. I was so excited but curious about what was going on with everything. What would Niko do to the onsen house in Aoyama? Would that one be closed down? Out of curiosity, I looked back at Kyrie and decided to strike up a conversation with her. "Do you think Niko will close the onsen house where Mei and Jirou died down?" I asked her. "I don't know," Kyrie answered. "I've been so busy with Deku that I haven't been paying attention. "Actually, Niko's opening it back up," Alissa answered. "The men's bath is outside now and the female bath is now the former men's bath." Kyrie turned and looked at Alissa. "I wonder why," she said. "They found some weird glue in the female bath," Alissa informed her. "They think it must have been placed there when the onsen was drained out for the night. It's very weird. To think that they must have been stuck in a sticky, yet horrifying situation before they died."
I realized that's why Mei and Jirou couldn't get out of the bath in time. The glue held their feet to the floor preventing them from escaping. They couldn't make it out in time before the onsen began to boil with them in it. That was it! That's what the Boogeyman needed to kill Mei and Jirou. He placed glue on the floor of the baths before filling them up. I don't know how he killed them, but wait! A Death Note! Yes, that's it! He must have had a Death Note and used it to boil them alive like lobsters in Red Lobster. "Alright, everyone," we heard Mr. Mikami say. "We're here." I felt the bus come to a stop before Mr. Mikami opened the doors. We all picked up our bags and went off the bus. Once we got off the bus, we saw Niko and Ms. Hirota waiting for us at the entrance. "Hello, everyone!" Ms. Hirota called out. "Darling!" Mr. Mikami exclaimed. He ran up to Ms. Hirota, embraced her, and twirled her around like in The Little Mermaid when Ariel was in her shiny ocean dress. "That's sick," I heard Hailey comment. "I wish Daemon could twirl me around like that. Even Eric twirled Ariel around like that." "Sorry," I commented. "It's okay," Hailey assured me. "Hopefully, it'll pass."
Mr. Mikami and Ms. Hirota looked back at us. "Okay, everyone," Mr. Mikami announced. "As you all know, Niko is Ms. Hirota's aunt." "Hi," Niko said to us. "But what you didn't know is that the onsen house in Aoyama is going to be opening back up with someone else taking Niko's place as the owner." We all were surprised to hear that. "So...what's Niko going to do?" I heard a student ask. "Good question, Miki," Mr. Mikami answered. "Tell them, Niko." We watched as Niko walked up to the crowd. "Well," she began. "I'm the new owner of this Paradaisu Waterpark and Resort!" We all cheered after we heard that. "Calm down," Niko said to us. "I'm only the owner of this establishment so if there are any other Paradaisu Waterparks in Japan that have an onsen or a sento, they might not allow you to come into the baths with your clothes on, but I will." "Yes!" I heard Alissa cheer in a loud whisper. "Now, everyone," Niko said to us. "Come on in. You guys are the first to come to this newly relocated establishment."
Mr. Mikami and Ms. Hirota looked at us. "She's right," Mr. Mikami informed us. "You guys are the first ones to come. "And now, let's head inside." We followed the three adults inside hoping that this would be a nice trip after all. "I'm happy that she's gonna allow us to bathe with our clothes on," I heard Hailey say. "But it'll be different going to an onsen or sento without Mei." Alissa did her best not to cry. "Yes, it will," she agreed. We walked into the building and saw just as we expected. The resort looked a little different and even had a Coffee Beanery by the entrance. "Wow," I let out. I looked around and began thinking that we were in the mall part of the resort. "I've been in this part of the resort before back when it was in Tokyo," I mumbled. "Alrighty, everyone," Mr. Mikami announced. "As you guys can tell we're in the mall area of the Resort. We have a Coffee Beanery near the entrance and if that's not your cup of tea, we do have a Starbucks somewhere around here. It kind of reminds me of Golden Lake Mall back in Waco, TX. And for those of you guys who are from Waco, I'm very sure you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I'm gonna separate you all into groups and that group will end up sharing a room."

Death Note: The Next Kira (Part One)
FanfictionOne year after the events of Death Note, a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old Gothic girl and wannabe witch named Anna Marie Monroe moves to Japan with her acquaintance, Christy Grim who dreams of starting a singing career. Marie tries to get used t...