MARCH 1, 2006
I was on the couch watching TV. "This morning, we have some interesting news," Machi Wakita told us. "Kaito Mikami has been released from prison after the authorities were shown proper evidence of his innocence. Turns out, the boy who claimed to be assaulted by the 27-year-old teacher had been faking his disability this whole time. 17-year-old Geffrey James had premeditated this whole thing and took his plan into action. Authorities are not aware of how long this was premeditated, but they believe that this must have been for a long while. Thankfully, Geffrey James is getting what he deserves for what he did to his former Creative Writing Teacher."
Chief Matsuda knocked on the door to Geffrey's house. The door was opened by his uncle, Mirai. He gasped once he saw Chief Matsuda. "Chief Matsuda?" Mirai asked. "What are you doing here?" Chief Matsuda placed his hands on his hips. "Is your nephew here?" he asked. "Uh...yeah," Mirai answered. "He doesn't leave the house without me." "I'd like to have a word with him please," Chief Matsuda told Mirai. Mirai made a confused look on his face. "Why?" he asked. "My nephew hasn't done anything wrong." "Have you watched the news this morning?" Chief Matsuda asked. Mirai shook his head. "No," he answered. "I haven't." "Well, if you don't mind, I need to speak with him," Chief Matsuda said to Mirai. "Honey," he heard his wife, Hana say. "Who is that?" Mirai turned around and looked at his wife. "It's Chief Matsuda," Mirai answered. "He would like to have a word with Geffrey although I don't know what he did wrong." "Oh," Hana let out. "Well, please let him in. I'm sure that he wouldn't mind some green tea."
"That's not the reason why I'm here, but I wouldn't mind some green tea," Chief Matsuda told Hana. "Well, come in," Mirai said stepping out of the way. Chief Matsuda stepped inside, took off his shoes, and headed into the living room where he saw Geffrey about to eat a bowl of rice with natto mixed in with it. "Geffrey James," Chief Matsuda said. Geffrey turned to look at Chief Matsuda. He flenched and fell out of his chair after he saw Chief Matsuda. Geffrey was about to get up on his own, but he knew that he couldn't let Chief Matsuda nor his family find out that he was faking a disability. Geffrey pretended like he couldn't get up. "Uncle Mirai, please help me!" he begged. Mirai was about to make his way to help his nephew, but Chief Matsuda stopped him. "Don't," he told him. "Let him get up." Mirai made an emotional yet confused look on his face. "But he is my nephew," Mirai informed Chief Matsuda. "And he was assaulted by that horrible monster of a teacher who should have never been allowed to bring his American views to Japan just so he could make those monstrous school chains."
Geffrey continued to struggle to get up. "Get off the ground now!" Chief Matsuda commanded. Geffrey continued to fake his disability. "I can't," he lied. "Chief Matsuda!" Hana cried out. "Why don't you help our sweet precious nephew? He's been assaulted by that horrible teacher! Please just help him up!" "Why don't you tell everyone the truth?" Chief Matsuda asked Geffrey. "And how much you've wasted our time." Geffrey continued to fake his injuries. "Ch-Chief Matsuda," he let out. "Please..." Chief Matsuda growled. "I've had it with your lies, young man!" he snapped. "Also, if you don't tell your aunt and uncle the truth, then I will turn on the news just to show him what you did! Is that what you want?" Mirai and Hana looked at their nephew with confused looks on their faces. They also had a bit of concern on their faces too.
"Geffrey, what is Chief Matsuda talking about?" Hana asked. "N-Nothing," Geffrey continued to lie. "I don't know what he's talking about." Geffrey bent both of his legs up. Mirai and Hana gasped. "Geffrey, did you just move your legs?" Hana asked in a surprised tone. "Why..." Mirai let out. "How are you able to move your legs without it hurting, son?" Chief Matsuda took the TV remote and showed them the footage of what conspired that day.

Death Note: The Next Kira (Part One)
FanfictionOne year after the events of Death Note, a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old Gothic girl and wannabe witch named Anna Marie Monroe moves to Japan with her acquaintance, Christy Grim who dreams of starting a singing career. Marie tries to get used t...