Chapter Twenty-Four (Final Part): Meeting Ms. Seraphim/The School Collapses

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JANUARY 24, 2006


TOKYO, JAPAN                                                     


I ran down the hallway with fear in my eyes and I did my best not to cry. "Everybody, get out!" I yelled. "There's going to be an explosion! The school's going to collapse!" I stopped running, looked around, and saw weapons hanging on the upper walls and the ceilings. I shuddered once I saw this. "No," I let out. "Oh no, no, no, no, no," I muttered. "More people than I know of are going to die too." I looked around and tried to find a fire alarm in the hallway so that everyone could evacuate the school before it collapsed. When I spotted one, I was so relieved. "Ah," I let out as a smile formed on my face before I sped-walked to it. I did look at it for a few seconds and noticed that it wasn't like the ones we had in America where you could pull down on it. Instead, there was a button that you could press down on. Without wasting any time, I pressed the button and a really loud sound echoed throughout the hallway.

All of the teachers opened the doors and peeked out of their classrooms. "What's going on here?" one of the male teachers asked. "There's no time to explain," I began. "But we have to evacuate the school! There's going to be an explosion and we're all going to die if we don't get out!" "Shut up!" I heard someone from behind me say. I yelped when I felt the person that was behind me secure my arms behind my back. "Hey!" I shouted as I tried to turn and see who was doing this to me. I only got a little glimpse of the person who was doing this to me. It was Mr. Yamamoto! "Get your hands off of me!" I commanded. "Shut up!" Mr. Yamamoto shouted as he placed a thin black cloth around my mouth which prevented me from talking, but it was stuck between my teeth which was enough for my words to be muffled. "Itsuki!" I heard Mr. Mikami shout out. Mr. Yamamoto lifted me up above his shoulder as I tried to break free and tell Mr. Mikami something. His eyes were wide open after he saw what his adversary did to me. He growled as he clenched his fist. "This is an outrage!" he said as he ran up to us. Mr. Yamamoto held me above his shoulder and ran out of the building. "Why are you doing this?" Ms. Hirota asked. "Poor little girl!" "Itsuki, we are all going to have problems with you!" Principal Mizuki informed Mr. Yamamoto.

I then saw the entire class running behind the two teachers and the principal. The scene of the class running behind us reminded me of those scenes in Home Alone 1 and Home Alone 2 where the McCalister Family had to run to the airplane so that they wouldn't miss their flight. They were clamoring as they watched what was happening as they were running behind us. I thrashed around even more wildly when Principal Mizuki turned off the fire alarm. "No!" I tried to shout out through my gag but my voice of muffled. "Principal Mizuki! Please don't do that! The school's gonna fall!" "Shut up!" Mr. Yamamoto begged as we kept running. It took about a minute or two when we finally came out of the school. It was really cold outside and we stopped about a few meters away from the school. "Itsuki, what the hell?!" Mr. Mikami shouted as Mr. Yamamoto placed me down on my feet. He then removed my gag and I gasped for air.

"This is outrageous!" he answered. "Having a student fall asleep and dream about the entire school falling! She's a fake female Alex Browning!" Vincent then ran up to me and tried to help get the handcuffs off. "Here," he said. "Let me help you, Marie." He then got out a pin and helped unlock the handcuffs. Once he did that, Vincent threw the handcuffs to the ground. "Ooh," I heard Hailey let out. "It's freezing out here!" I then looked at everybody around me and saw them shivering, rubbing their hands together, zipping up their jackets along with their coats, and complaining about how cold it was outside. "Maybe we should go back inside," Daemon said. "It felt so much warmer in there." "You go back in there and you'll come out as good as dead," I warned him. "No, no, no," Hailey corrected me. "It's fine, Marie. I'm sure we'll be fine." "Nobody is going back inside," Principal Mizuki said. Everybody groaned and complained except for me, Vincent, Kyrie, Mr. Mikami, and Ms. Hirota. "See?!" Mr. Yamamoto asked in a furious tone. "This is why you don't fall asleep in class, Miss Monroe! You'll have strange dreams and you'll somehow believe that they'll manifest their way into reality!" "Shut it, Itsuki!" Mr. Mikami told him angrily. "You don't tell one of my favorite students what to do!" "Hey!" we heard a female voice call out.

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