Chapter 72: Two Days Later

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FEBRUARY 22, 2006




I was sitting in an American-styled diner with Vincent, Kyrie, and Near during our lunch break. I was happy that Near was able to eat lunch with us. I had no idea what his schedule was, but I was happy that he was here with us. I was surprised that Daeshim didn't join us. I had no idea if he was still mad at me or what. I hadn't seen Deku either and it made me curious about how they were both doing. "I'm so happy that we get to see you again, Near," Kyrie said to Near. "I'm Kyrie and this is Vincent." "It's very nice to see you both again," Near replied. "Anyway, we hung out on Sunday." "You did?" Kyrie asked as she looked at me. I nodded. "Yeah," I answered. "We went out for dinner at Hard Rock Cafe." "The waitress thought we were a couple," Near added. "She didn't say anything, but we both knew that she thought that we were a couple." Kyrie nodded. "Oh," she let out. "Some people assume that Vincent and I are a couple too." "Oh boy," Vincent let out. "Calm down, doofus," Kyrie told him. "I'm not saying that I wanted to be your girlfriend." "I didn't say you were," Vincent said to Kyrie. "It's just that-" 

"Where's Daeshim and Deku?" I asked. "I didn't see them yesterday or tomorrow." Kyrie made a sullen look on my face. "They didn't want to come to work," she answered. I slightly tilted my head. "Are they still mad?" I asked. Kyrie nodded. "I'm afraid so," she answered. "Daeshim is, but Deku's more confused." "Huh?" Near asked. "Who are they? And why would they be mad at you, Marie?" "Daeshim's my boyfriend and Deku's his cousin," Kyrie answered before Near looked at her. "We were having this talk about Kira and Daeshim flipped out over Marie's opinion about Kira." Near looked back at me with a confused look on his face. "What did you say about Kira?" he asked. I hesitated for a moment before I thought of a good lie to tell Near. "I asked him if he thought that Kira was evil," I lied. "I have this feeling that the current Kira doesn't want to follow the footsteps of Light Yagami because they're scared that they will become a crazy serial killer like he did." Near shrugged. "That's understandable," he told me as he curled his hair. "To be fair, this Kira isn't Light Yagami, but we don't know what he or she is capable of. In other words, we need to find the current Kira and stop them before they decide that they end up like Light Yagami." 

I did my best not to show Near that I was nervous. I didn't want to have to kill anyone when he was around, but if I had to, then I would. The first time was a pass since Near didn't find out that I was the current Kira. I had to make sure that I could still be able to save a whole bunch of innocent people from a psycho maniac and keep my friendship with Near. 

"Marie?" I heard Kyrie ask. "Is everything okay? You look like you're worried about something." I quickly wiped my worried look off my face. I shook my head. "Oh no," I answered. "Just don't understand what this current Kira wants just yet." Kyrie gave me this look as if she didn't want me to talk about this. "Okay, new subject," she said. "Anyway, let's call out our pet peeves. So, Near, do you want to start first?" Near nodded. "Okay," he let out. "Have any of you seen Noir Butler?" Kyrie made a disgusted look on his face. "Ew, is that the anime series with the demon butler?" she asked. "Sebastian Michaelis, yes," Near answered. "I'm not a huge fan of gore, but what makes things even worse is that some people think I look like Alois Trancy." Kyrie sat back in her seat. "They do?" she asked. "Mmm-hmm," Near let out as he nodded. "I have no idea why some people think this. I look nothing like Alois and I act nothing like him. Plus, we have different tastes in clothing, entertainment, and everything." Kyrie kept a disgusted look on her face. "And also, Alois picks out the eyeballs of one of the maids," she added. "There is so much grossness in Noir Butler. Plus, Alois is even naked in some scenes and he acts like he doesn't care." 

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