JANUARY 21, 2006
It was a late Saturday morning and surprisingly, Christy didn't have to work today. She must have been so tired after a long week of work. I'm not exactly sure what Christy thought about doing now since she was home. Maybe she was watching some NCIS on TV. I thought it was a bit strange that she would be watching NCIS that late at night since we're in Japan. It would have made a little bit more sense if she was watching anime or some Japanese shows. However, I actually liked NCIS and thought it was pretty interesting for the most part. I always liked Abby because I'm a Gothic girl and back when I had long hair, I used to put it up in pigtails and in space buns. However, since I cut it not so long ago, I'm not able to put my hair up. I was a bit bummed out that I couldn't put my hair up in pigtails, but for the most part, I actually liked short hair. It was easier to take care of for the most part and I didn't have to worry about putting it up all the time (even though I loved and missed my pigtails along with my space buns, but you all probably knew that by now)
Anyway, I spent almost the entire morning studying and I haven't heard a word from Light. Maybe he was sleepy since we were up late last night watching Disney movies like Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin as we ate our food from MOS Burger. I know Khloe was awake because she went into my room a couple of times during the night. (Maybe she was a bit bored and couldn't sleep during the night) However, I didn't scream or anything since I knew it was her when she started kissing me. Of course, Christy had to call her back to her room so that we could both sleep well. Khloe surprisingly got along well with Alex. I thought this was pretty surprising because Alex wasn't one to get along well with dogs...especially big dogs like Khloe...and yes, Khloe is in fact, a boxer. "Meow," I heard Alex meow as I looked up from the sheet of paper that I was studying and chuckled as a smile formed on my face, and took Dean into my arms. "Good morning, my little familiar," I greeted.
"What's Light doing?" That's when I heard the footsteps of a dog coming into my room. I got up and turned around as I suspected it to be Khloe. Turns out, it was Khloe! She was looking straight at me as she sat down on the floor with her tail wagging and panting from her mouth. "Good morning, Khloe," I greeted her. "Do you know what Christy's up to?" Khloe then got up, turned around, and walked downstairs. Dean hopped out of my arms as I followed them both downstairs. When I went downstairs, I heard the music from Metallica being played on Christy's green CD player with a Triforce on it. I smelled the scent of desserts being baked from the kitchen. I crept into the kitchen and saw Christy baking some desserts. I saw a vanilla and strawberry cake along with some brownies and chocolate chip cookies. Christy looked up at me as she got the second batch of brownies out of the oven. "Good morning," she greeted me as a smile formed on my face. "Did you sleep well last night, Marie? I'm sorry about Khloe sneaking out and waking you up a couple of times last night." I shook my head. "It's alright, Christy," I assured her. "So um, what's with all the sweets?" Christy finally placed the brownies up on the stove and closed the oven door. "Eh, no reason," she answered as she shrugged. "Just felt like baking."
I smile appeared on my face. I haven't had any homemade desserts or sweets in a while so I was pretty excited to try some delicious homemade goods. "Hey, Marie," Christy said. "Can you please take the cake off the counter and put it on the table so I can have room to put the other batch of brownies here?" I nodded. "Of course, Christy," I answered as I picked up the cake and was about to head to the table. That's when the lights flickered and went out. Although it was daytime and the sun was still shining, the room and the house fell into complete darkness. Suddenly, everything around me felt cold and I felt that there was someone right in front of me. "Wait..." I heard Christy say in a slightly scared tone. "Why do I feel like someone's in the house with us?" I then felt someone grab the cake out of my hands and leave the room. That's when the lights came back on and I looked down at my hands to find no tray of cake in them. Christy gasped. "The cake!" she shouted. "The cake that I just baked is gone!" I didn't know what to think. It was probably Light who did this. He must have been so hungry that he wanted to steal a whole cake that Christy baked and ate it because he missed his breakfast. Christy searched for the cake in the kitchen. "Where is it?!" she panicked. "Where did it go?!" I sighed in an annoyed tone and went upstairs to confront Light about Christy's stolen cake.

Death Note: The Next Kira (Part One)
FanfictionOne year after the events of Death Note, a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old Gothic girl and wannabe witch named Anna Marie Monroe moves to Japan with her acquaintance, Christy Grim who dreams of starting a singing career. Marie tries to get used t...