MARCH 29, 2006
AT 2:00 PM
"Do you think Marie is having fun in Yokohama?" I asked. "More than likely, yes," I heard Light answer. "Why are you asking me this if you don't wanna like her?" I sighed. "It's not that I don't wanna like her," I answered. "I just don't wanna fall in love with her." I brought my plate of cake to the living room and sat right beside Light who was laughing. "Dude, you can't choose who you fall in love with," he reminded me. "It just happens." "Well, I don't like it," I told Light. I placed my fork into my cake and ate the part I cut off. "I guess I'll wait this out and see if this crush dies down soon," I commented. I swallowed the piece of cake in my mouth. "You're fine," I heard Light say. "Have you ever fallen in love with a woman before?" I shook my head the same way that Jerry Seinfeld did in that one episode of Seinfeld with the pie. Light looked at me as if the situation got interesting. "Huh," he let out. "First time?" I felt my face turn all red from being embarrassed. "Mmm hmm," I answered in an embarrassed tone. "What if she says no?" Light snorted and shook his head.
"She's not going to say no," he answered. "Why in the world would you think that she'd say no?" I scratched my head. "Well," I began. "Wasn't there this other guy at school named Sam?" Light placed his hands up and shook his head. "No, no, no," he answered. "That's temporary. Sam doesn't seem like one of those guys she should be dating. Believe me. Marie is a social outcast and Sam is the most popular guy at the school." I tried my best not to get confused. "I've seen her with her classmates through your crystal ball," I told Light. "And it doesn't seem like she's a social outcast." "Well, maybe it's because she wasn't popular at her old school in Texas," Light commented. "She seems to have a lot more friends here than she did in Texas." I nodded. "I can see that," I commented. Suddenly, we heard the news come on. "We interrupt our regular programming to bring you a special news update," we heard a male voice say.
Light and I turned our attention to the TV. "Good afternoon, Tokyo," Machi Wakita said. "I'm Machi Wakita and today we bring you some sad news. One of the survivors of Kanto Region American High School named Daemon Harwell has died after his head was crushed by a weight sack connected to a cable cord at the gym in Paradaisu Waterpark and Resort in Yokohama." Light and I dropped our jaws after we heard this. "Another one?" Light asked. "Apparently, he and his classmates from Kanto Region High were going on a week-long trip to the waterpark which unfortunately was cut short after he died," Machi Wakita continued. "All of the remaining survivors who were not hospitalized and got out of the school safely are returning home due to this tragedy."
I waited for Mr. Mikami to stop the bus and open the door before I got off the bus. "Thanks for bringing me home," I told Mr. Mikami. "You're welcome," he replied back. I turned around and told everyone, "Goodbye, everyone." "Goodbye," almost everyone called out. "Goodbye, Marie," I heard Kyrie say. "Take care," I heard Alissa say. After they all said that, I gathered my bags and walked off the bus. Right when I reached the door, I heard Mr. Mikami shut the door and drive off. I was about to place my key into the keyhole when I heard Light say, "It's open." from inside the house. I opened the door and walked inside the house. "Hey," I greeted Light and Ryuzaki. "Hey," Light greeted me back. "Good afternoon," Ryuzaki greeted me back. I closed the door behind me and securely locked it. "We heard about what happened," Light told me. "I'm sorry about Daemon." I nodded. "It's okay," I assured them. "It would have been better if I would have stopped the show right then and there."

Death Note: The Next Kira (Part One)
FanfictionOne year after the events of Death Note, a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old Gothic girl and wannabe witch named Anna Marie Monroe moves to Japan with her acquaintance, Christy Grim who dreams of starting a singing career. Marie tries to get used t...