APRIL 4, 2006
AT 9:15 AM
Mr. Mikami and I continued to swim through the water. There were koi fish all around us and it looked like they were swimming to the deep end. I could sense that they were scared. They were scared of dying...just like everyone in the school was. I looked through the doors of the classrooms. What I saw was terrifying. I saw the dead bodies of men, women, and children sinking to the floors. I occasionally saw some people searching for a way out. I knew that I couldn't save them and I didn't want them to think that I was just going to leave them there to die so I dove underwater. "Marie," I heard Mr. Mikami say from above the water. I swam my way up to the wall before I felt Mr. Mikami grab me by the arm and lift me up. "What are you doing?" he asked. I took my breathing underwater apparatus out of my mouth. "I don't want them to know that I can't save them," I answered. "It'd be better if I were to just stay hidden. Besides, how did you come in here?"
"Hello," we heard Chief Matsuda call out. "Is anyone in here?" "Yes!" Mr. Mikami answered. "Down here!" We looked up and saw a rope come down. "Both of you!" Commander Aizawa commanded. "Climb up!" Mr. Mikami softly pushed me towards the rope. "You first," he said to me. I climbed the rope and allowed Commander Aizawa to pull me up. "Now you, Kaito!" Chief Matsuda commanded. I looked down as Mr. Mikami climbed up the rope and watched as Chief Matsuda pulled him up. "Get them out of here, Aizawa," Chief Matsuda commanded. I turned and watched as Commander Aizawa got his dispatcher. "Mogi and Ide, please make sure Marie and Kaito make it down safely," he demanded. "We'll stay up here and try to get any more survivors out!" Suddenly, we heard glass shattering. We all ran to the edge of the building and saw the class with that one girl who was around my age flow out of the window. We watched as they coughed and gasped for air. The girl who looked to be around my age looked up at me. "Thank you, Marie!" she called out.
I smiled after I saw that. "Alright, you two," Chief Matsuda said to us. "Make your way down now!" Mr. Mikami and I rushed to the ladder where we saw Officer Mogi and Officer Ide looking up at us. "You heard the Chief," Officer Mogi said to us. "Make your way down...slowly." I made my way down slowly until my underwater breathing apparatus fell out of my pocket. "No!" I shouted. "What was that?" Officer Mogi asked. "It looks like some breathing underwater device," Officer Ide answered. I jumped down from the ladder and into the water which was still waist deep. "Be careful," Officer Mogi answered. "The water's murky. You don't wanna mess around it in. There could be a snake." I walked over to the police officers when I heard a splash coming from behind me. I turned around and saw Mr. Mikami in the water. "Seriously? You two?" Officer Mogi asked. "Anyway, with that out of the way, let's get out of here."
AT 10:00 AM
I was sitting in the Task Force building with everyone. I couldn't believe that Sidoh was right. That the Boogeyman had destroyed Daikoku American Elementary School. I was hoping that everyone had made it out safely, but deep down, I knew that there were some people who didn't make it. I turned and looked at Mr. Mikami. "Do you think everyone made it out okay?" I asked. Mr. Mikami sighed. "I hope so," he answered. I heard the doors open and saw Chief Matsuda along with Commander Aizawa come into the room. "Chief Matsuda," Mr. Mikami said as he got up. "Commander Aizawa. Did you find any more survivors?" I looked at Chief Matsuda's face along with Commander Aizawa's face. They both had glum looks on their faces which hinted me to believe the worst. "What about that one guy?" I asked. Mr. Mikami turned around and looked at me. "What one guy?" I asked. "He was in the classroom by the front door," I answered. "His name was Crisanto."

Death Note: The Next Kira (Part One)
FanfictionOne year after the events of Death Note, a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old Gothic girl and wannabe witch named Anna Marie Monroe moves to Japan with her acquaintance, Christy Grim who dreams of starting a singing career. Marie tries to get used t...