Chapter Five: I Dream of L/Finally In Japan

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JANUARY 13, 2006




Later on, after Christy and I were enjoying our pieces of chocolate cake. The pieces looked like something you would find at an actual bakery and not like a boring piece of homemade cake would. I lifted my fork and cut a small part of the cake off. I placed it up to my mouth and ate it. "So," Christy said. I looked at her as she cut a piece of her cake off with her fork. "How is your cake?" she asked as I finished chewing what I had in my mouth and swallowed it. "Good," I answered. "How about yours?" Christy placed the piece into her mouth and ate it. "Mmm." she let out right before she swallowed it. "It's so good!" She put her fork back onto the plate. "I wonder if L had this kind of cake while he was working with the Japanese police on the Kira case," she told me. "I've heard he has quite the sweet tooth." Christy chopped off another piece and placed it into her mouth. "How did you figure out who L was?" I asked. Christy swallowed the part of the cake she was chewing on. "I met him back when he was still alive in New Jersey," she answered. My eyes sparkled when she said this. "You met him?" I asked. Christy nodded. "Mmm-hmm," she said. "But how did you know it was him?" I asked. 

"Well," Christy began. "I met him in a sweet shop after school with my best friends, Sarafina and Laura. We were getting some sweets from the sweet shop. As my two besties were ordering their sweets after I ordered mine, I looked outside and saw a man talking to someone on his laptop with a headset over his ears and he was sitting in this weird position with his feet in his chair. I must admit, I was a little weirded out by his sitting posture. Out of curiosity, I excused myself to go outside so I could probably talk to him. When I got out of the shop, I saw that he had a few plates with cake. One was chocolate, the other was vanilla, and the last one was strawberry. The cakes looked like they were cheesecakes if you wanna know what kind of cakes they were." I nodded as I listened closely to Christy's story about how she met L. "As I walked up closer to him, he was talking to someone named Watari about cake and all this kind of stuff about the cafe he was at. When I looked at the laptop, I found that the screen was completely black. After staring at the black screen on his laptop, he turned and looked at me and then he closed his laptop. We stared at each other for ten seconds. He gave me this look as if I was invading his privacy, so I just turned around and left." We made eye contact with each other. "And that's how I knew it was him." I gasped. "Wow! That's awesome!" I told her. "Just imagine! He got to be with Light Yagami and Misa Amane." Christy chuckled. "I know! And also, did you meet him too?" she asked. "You tell me your experience with L!" 

"Well," I began. "I don't know how to word it, but..." I then remembered something embarrassing. On the same day I met L, I had a dream that night with him in it. He had his shirt off and there was romantic music playing. I think it was...something with a saxophone in it. I don't remember the name of the song, but it was a song from the 80s. As I was thinking all of this, Christy kept her excitement high. "Well, what was it like?" she asked excitedly. I looked up at the ceiling as the song, "Careless Whisper" by George Michael came on the radio. Right when I heard the saxophone intro, it hit me. That was the song I heard in the dream! Images of him with his shirt off and in my bed flashed right before my eyes. "Hey, cutie," he said. L gestured his hand at me and tried to get me to come closer to him. "Come here for a moment. I wanna kiss your soft, moist black lips, baby." Then, there was one part of the dream where I saw him with his sunglasses in the hot tub and his bathing suit on. "It's okay," L reminded me. "I know you like me, and to be honest I wouldn't say I like you, but I have this pit in the back of my stomach that I'm falling in love with you, Gothie." Since I never kissed a boy before, I went into the hot tub with my casual black outfit on. I came closer to him and gave him a French kiss in the hot tub like we were an actual couple. I felt him kissing my cheek, then my neck, my shoulder, my right arm, and then my right hand. "Cara Mia," he mumbled. I must have been so caught up in the daydream that I forgot that I was still on the airplane with Christy and she was right beside me. 

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