Chapter Forty-Nine: Trouble from Two Grieving Families

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FEBRUARY 10, 2006




I rode my bike down Tokyo when I rode by Niko's onsen house. I saw Chief Matsuda and Commander Aizawa talking to this elderly couple. I looked to the left and saw a couple with their younger daughter. They were all crying about something, but I didn't know what they were crying about. When Chief Matsuda and Commander Aizawa went into the onsen house, I pedaled my way to the sidewalk and parked my bike. I ducked under the crime scene tape and went up to the elderly couple. "Are you two okay?" I asked them. The elderly couple didn't respond but gave me this intense gaze with daggers in their eyes. "What happened?" I asked them. The elderly woman let go of her husband and made a furious look. ""怎么了,你问? 您一次保存了我们的孙女,现在您问我们吗?!" the elderly woman asked. I watched as she picked up a rolled newspaper and started hitting me with it. 

I yelped as she hit me with it. "你真该死,你这不可靠的自私的女孩!" the lady shouted at me. "Please, stop!" I begged. "What are you saying?" "我是说你曾经有过异象! 您为什么看不到再次使用您的愿景来帮助我们的孙女!" the lady shouted at me and continued to hit me with the newspaper. "I'm sorry," I began. "I don't know what you're saying!" The lady stopped hitting me with it and looked at me with hatred in her eyes. I heard footsteps approaching me. I turned and saw a younger woman who looked to be a couple of years older than my mom approaching me. "How could you not see it?" she asked. I was confused when she asked me that. "See what?" I asked. The woman sniffled as tears ran from her eyes. "My Jirou snuck out this morning with his girlfriend, Mei," she began. "Mr. Mikami and Ms. Hirota found them early this morning. They were both boiled alive in the onsen! They're gone! And because of you, they're never coming back!" 

What the lady said hit me like a brick. I was shocked once I heard this. "What?" I asked in disbelief. Mei and Jirou are...dead? I thought to myself. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Arima," I told her. "I had no idea that something like this would happen." Mrs. Arima turned around and walked away. "Mrs. Arima," I said out loud as I tried to stop her. "Mrs. Arima," I raised my voice. Just then, a little girl walked up to me with tears in her eyes. "Hey," I said gently. She sniffled right before she talked to me. "You saved Jirou and Mei once," the little girl began. "Why couldn't you save them again?" "Akiri!" I heard a guy say. I watched as a man, who I assumed to be Mr. Arima picked Akiri up because she didn't panic when he did so. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Mr. Arima asked me. "You've already done enough by ignoring the fact that my son and his girlfriend were getting boiled alive in an onsen! I don't need you putting the only child we have left in the same situation!" Akiri buried her face so that I wouldn't see it and started crying. I watched as Mrs. Arima joined her family. "I'm sorry," I told them feeling bad for them. "If there was anything that I could have done or if I..." Mr. and Mrs. Arima looked at me with hatred in their eyes. "Stay away from our family," Mrs. Arima told me in a hateful tone. I watched as the family turned around and left. "No, wait!" I begged. "If I knew that something like this was going to happen..." I turned around and saw the elderly couple giving me the same look. The elderly woman came up to me with the newspaper in her hand. "I'm very sorry about Mei and Jirou," I told her. "If I only had another..." 

"Hey!" we heard someone say. We both turned and saw Chief Matsuda with Commander Aizawa at the doorway. We watched as they approached us. "You shouldn't be here, Marie," Commander Aizawa told me. I turned and looked back at the elderly lady. She raised her hand with the newspaper and prepared to hit me with it. "Stop!" Chief Matsuda said as he snatched the newspaper from her hand. "Revenge won't bring your granddaughter back." Just then, the woman softly gasped before she broke down in tears. I watched as Chief Matsuda tried to comfort her as the woman's husband came up to her. I turned and looked at Commander Aizawa. "It wasn't like last time," I told him right before he looked at me. "I didn't have any visions about something like this happening." 

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