Chapter Twenty-Six: Waiting in Vain for a News Update

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JANUARY 24, 2006




I paced the living room floor back and forth waiting for something to happen. ANYTHING! I was hoping and praying that something would happen ever since I did that spell that could heal Principal Mizuki along with the other students that were gravely injured when the school collapsed. Usually, my spells would work instantly, but now, things were just taking forever. "You've been pacing the floor like that for a while now...almost ten minutes," I heard Light say. "Is there something bothering you?" I stopped pacing the floor and looked at Light. I didn't answer Light right away and I just stood there dumbfounded when I didn't see Ryuzaki. "Where's Ryuzaki?" I asked. "He's upstairs still," Light answered. "He'll be down in a minute." Right then and there, I heard the door to my room open and close along with footsteps coming down the stairs. "Hey guys," Ryuzaki said as I saw him coming down the stairs. "What are we talking about?"

Light turned and looked at Ryuzaki. I just stood there waiting for a miracle to happen. I looked away from them and turned as I looked at the TV. The show Inuyasha was on. I loved that show, but I didn't want to watch it right now. I was just keeping the TV on so that any news report from Sakura News Headcourters would come on at any moment now. Any moment. Please please please come on soon! I thought to myself as I watched the TV. "Why are you keeping the TV on if you're not watching anything?" Light asked as he came into the living room. I turned and watched him sit down on the couch, get the remote, and turn the TV off. "I mean, what are you waiting for?" Light asked. I crossed my arms. "The news," I answered. "The news?" Light asked. I nodded. "Yes," I answered. "Sakura News. I'm waiting for an update on Principal Mizuki and the other people that were in their school to heal."

"So, you did another spell, didn't you?" I heard Ryuzaki ask as I turned around and watched him enter the living room. I nodded. "Yes," I answered. "I did." "And your roommate is unaware that you are a witch?" Ryuzaki asked again. I shook my head. "No, Ryuzaki. She's unaware that I'm into witchcraft and am a witch." I answered. Ryuzaki walked up to me with his hands in his pockets. "Well then," he began. "You're practicing white magic right?" I couldn't believe why Ryuzaki would ask me a question like that. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked dramatically. "Of course, I'm a good witch. I do what I want and I do no harm." "Good," Ryuzaki replied. "Black magic comes with a price. Those who practice it and use it for harm can fall into a trap with bad things happening due to the saying that your evil actions always have a way of coming back to you." Ryuzaki paused for a moment. "This can also be the same if you summon an evil spirit or a demon," he continued. "Whether it'd be an accident or on purpose."

"He's right," I heard Light say as I turned around and looked at him. "Evil spirits and demons can come at any time, at any place. Most of the time, they only come when someone uses an Ouija board. Most people who use it are so scared that they stop messing with the paranormal and the occult altogether. They convert to Christianity soon afterward." I brought my head back in confusion. "So, if Shinigamis exists," I began. "Then why would the Bible say that there is only one true God? Is it because Shinigamis are only formed when people who either used the Death Note in life or are chosen by the Shinigami King become Gods of Death?" Light shook his head. "Nope," he answered. "For your information, the story of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are sadly just stories. There is no such thing as the God of the Hebrews." I nodded slowly in a mellow way. "Oh," I let out. "But on the bright side, there is no such thing as Satan either. This is the reason why Heaven and Hell don't exists." Light paused for a moment as he popped open a soda can of Sprite. "Sounds pretty sad and relieving at the same time, doesn't it?" he asked before he took a sip of the Sprite can.

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