Chapter 55 (FINAL PART): Valentine's Day Can Get Pretty Scary

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                                                                         THIRD PERSON POV 

As Eriko was taking a shower, Commander Aizawa took this as a perfect opportunity to call Chief Matsuda so he could be able to check up on what was going on in Japan on his F901iC phone. 


                                                                       THIRD PERSON POV

Chief Matsuda munched on his chicken tenders right when he heard his phone ringing. "Hmm?" he asked. He got out his Palm Treo phone and placed it up to his ear. "Hello," Chief Matsuda greeted the person on the phone.  "Hey," Commander Aizawa greeted the person on the phone. "Are you there, Matsuda?" "Aizawa, hey," Chief Matsuda greeted. "How's the trip so far?" "It's good," Commander Aizawa answered. "I just took a shower. Eriko and I are about to go to bed. Is everything okay back in Japan?" Chief Matsuda nodded. "Yes," I answered. "We're having dinner right now and boy, do we have a lot of food to choose from. We have sliders, chicken tenders, sushi, pizza, and so many desserts to choose from." "Mmm," Commander Aizawa let out. "Sounds tasty." 


                                                               THIRD PERSON POV 

Commander Aizawa listened to the music playing from the phone and thought that it sounded familiar. "Lionel Richie," he let out.


                                                                THIRD PERSON POV 

"Yeah, it's the best song," Chief Matsuda agreed. "I have a whole '80s ballad playlist for them to listen to during dinner. I also have a whole '90s dance playlist they can dance to when they're done eating dinner." 


                                                                   THIRD PERSON POV

"Isn't Kanto Region American High School going to have an '80s theme for their prom this year?" Commander Aizawa asked. 


                                                                   THIRD PERSON POV

"Hmm," Chief Matsuda let out. "I never thought about that. Like I said, I'll change it later once we get through with dinner." "No no no no," Commander Aizawa told him. "It's fine. I love '80s music too." "Who doesn't?" Chief Matsuda asked. "However, it wouldn't have fit that one movie with the Ferris wheel accident. That was extremely painful." "No," Commander Aizawa told him. "Don't even remind me. I mean, why would they add that Chicago song to that scene? Was this supposed to be funny or was this supposed to be a tragedy? Man, they would have been better off putting "Coma White" by Marilyn Manson during that scene." "I know right?" Chief Matsuda asked. "I laughed so much during that scene." Chief Matsuda heard Commander Aizawa sigh on the other end of the phone. 


                                                             THIRD PERSON POV 

Commander Aizawa heard the shower in the bathroom cut off. "Oh," he let out. "I think I should go now. I'm gonna go get ready for dinner now." "Okay," Chief Matsuda told Commander Aizawa. "See you when you get back, partner." "See you when I get back, Matsuda," Commander Aizawa told Chief Matsuda before he hung up the phone. 

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