JANUARY 25, 2006
"Mmm," I said. "I just love the smell and taste of pizza." "I'm glad you like it, Light," I heard Marie say as I picked up the slice of pizza and ate it. "Yeah, it is tasty, alright," I heard Ryuzaki say. "So, what movie are we watching tonight?" "Well, since Christy's going to be home late around eleven or probably midnight, how about we watch The Craft?" I heard Marie ask. "Sounds good to me," I heard Ryuzaki answer. "Let me go get some cakes." I turned as I watched Marie get up to go to her room and Ryuzaki go into the kitchen. "Hey, Light, why don't you join us?" he asked. "Uh...yeah," I answered. "I will. Just going to wait for till Marie comes down and puts on the movie." I placed my plate with the pizza on it and placed it down on the table. I felt like something was going on outside, so I went straight to the window and pulled up the blinds.
What I saw then and there shocked me to my very core. I quietly gasped and dropped my jaw when I saw a man dressed in a black cloak and wearing a skull mask with red glowing eyes. Although his costume reminded me of Ghostface, he acted more like Michael Myers. He tilted his head to the side and I gasped as I fell back. It wasn't the way he acted that scared me (even though his actions were pretty disturbing enough), it was...it was almost like he could see me. W-what is he looking at?! Can he really see me?! I thought to myself. He brought his head back up and placed a knife up to his mask as Ghostface did. I started heavily breathing in and out through my mouth in fear. What is he doing?! This is really freaking me out big time! And why is he acting like he can see me?! I thought to myself. I watched as the masked man placed his knife away. He then flipped me off with a fake finger that he got out of his cloak pocket and held the fake finger in his left hand. After he did that, he finally left.
Although I was relieved that he left, I just sat there and continued heavily breathing. "Hey, Light," I heard a voice coming from the living room. I turned around and found Marie placing a DVD disk into the DVD player and Ryuzaki looking straight at me. "You okay, buddy?" he asked. "Why are you on the floor breathing heavily like you've seen something scary?" I watched as Marie turned and looked at me. I then got up off the floor and dusted myself off. "It's nothing," I lied. "I'm fine." I turned around and looked out the window. "Why are you looking outside the window like there's something there?" I heard Marie ask. I turned around and looked at her. I shook my head. "It's nothing," I lied again. "Just thought I saw an ice cream truck." Marie looked at me for a few seconds like she didn't believe me. "Okay," she said as she crossed her arms. "Ice cream trucks don't come at night. And if they do, people are usually happy when they come down the road. You just looked like you've seen Regan MacNeil from The Exorcist. Are you sure you're alright?"
I nervously nodded. "Yeah," I answered. "I'll just watch the movie with y'all in a little bit." "Okay," Ryuzaki said as he picked up a plate of strawberry shortcakes off the coffee table. "Anyway, tonight we're watching The Craft. Do you wanna come join us?" I nodded. "Yeah, I will," I answered. "Let me just close the blinds." Just then, I turned around and went straight to the window. I looked left and right for the guy in the mask, but he wasn't there anymore. Where did he go? I thought to myself as I waited for him to come back. However, after a few seconds of waiting, the masked man didn't return. I slowly reached for the string on the blinds and pulled them down so that if the masked man were to return, he wouldn't be able to see us. Relieved that the guy hadn't come back, I took my plate with the slice of pizza on it and went to the living room so I could join the crew as they watched The Craft.

Death Note: The Next Kira (Part One)
FanfictionOne year after the events of Death Note, a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old Gothic girl and wannabe witch named Anna Marie Monroe moves to Japan with her acquaintance, Christy Grim who dreams of starting a singing career. Marie tries to get used t...