FEBRUARY 9, 2006
AT 7:09 PM
I was busy climbing up the ladder with Vincent when I heard Khloe barking from above the crypt. I constantly looked down as the water continued to rise. Although I could see glowsticks on the ground, I couldn't see where Light and Ryuk were at. "Keep climbing up," Vincent commanded. I looked back up at Vincent and continued to go up the ladder with him; hoping for a way out. Just then, the ladder seemed to crack. I gasped as I felt the ladder come deeper into the water. "Brace yourself!" Vincent shouted. That's when the ladder broke off on the other side. I shrieked as we fell into the water. Once underwater, I couldn't see anything.
Not only that, but I couldn't breathe. I had to hold my breath. I had my cheeks puffed so I could avoid taking in any water. I looked around for Light, Ryuk, and Vincent, but I couldn't find them. I wanted to call out their names, but I would be taking in water. I swam away from the ladder and tried to search for Vincent. However, I wasn't very successful. The reason was because it was dark, it was cold, I couldn't breathe, nor could I speak. Even if I screamed it would be pointless. I was in the water's grasp. I continued to hold my breath, even when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me up to the surface. I closed my eyes as I felt as if we were getting closer to the surface. Seconds later, I felt my head finally emerge from the water as I heard the sound of someone exhaling. I exhaled right before I opened my eyes.
"Marie," I heard Vincent say. I turned and looked at him. "Are you okay?" Vincent asked. I nodded. "Yes," I answered. "I'm okay." I wiped my eyes. "But it's just so dark down there," I continued. "I couldn't see anything. The glowsticks are all on the ground, but I can't find Ryuk or Light anywhere." "They're okay," Vincent reminded me. "But we gotta find a way out of here." Just then, we saw Light poke his head out of the water. "Both of you should stay above water," I heard Light say. "If the crypt, manhole, whatever this thing is completely floods, then I want to make sure that you both have enough air to make it." "Where's Ryuk?" Vincent asked Light. "He's fine," Light answered him. "He's just busy with something." "Well, if he's busy with helping us escape, shouldn't you be helping him?" I asked Light. He looked at me for a couple of seconds before responding to me. "Good question," he answered. "Now both of you stay up here."
We both watched as Light dove back underwater. Vincent and I stayed above water since that's not only what Light wanted us to do, but also what Ryuk wanted us to do.
I swam back to where Ryuk was and tried to help him lift the crate. I grunted and tightly closed my eyes as I tried to lift it. "It won't open," I reminded Ryuk. "It's on pretty tight!" "Light, look!" Ryuk said. I opened my eyes and followed his gaze. There was a key lock on the crate. "What in the...?" I asked. "How come we never noticed that?" I looked back at Ryuk and watched as he shrugged. "Beats me," he answered. "Ugh," I growled. "Use one of your nails." I watched as Ryuk used the nail on his pointy finger to unlock the crate. Just then, we were able to open it. "Oh yeah!" I cheered. Ryuk laughed as he lifted it up. "We did it!" All of a sudden, we felt an underwater current pull us deeper.
"Woah! Woah!" I let out. "Oh, boy!" Ryuk let out. "Why is there an underwater current?"
I held onto the wall as the water nearly sucked us under. I exclaimed as I grabbed Vincent's hand and tried to stay above water with him. "Oh my God!" I cried out. "Vincent! What the hell is happening?" "I don't know!" he answered. We both exclaimed right when we were sucked under. I could feel the water coming down my throat. I covered my mouth with my hand and puffed my cheeks to avoid taking in any more water. I could feel Vincent holding on to me as the current got stronger. I tightly closed my eyes and tried to hold on to dear life.

Death Note: The Next Kira (Part One)
FanfictionOne year after the events of Death Note, a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old Gothic girl and wannabe witch named Anna Marie Monroe moves to Japan with her acquaintance, Christy Grim who dreams of starting a singing career. Marie tries to get used t...