FEBRUARY 13, 2006
AT 3:50 PM
I was finally back in Tokyo after a long ride. I was very happy the elderly couple was kind enough to give me a ride. I was really scared that they were going to refuse and tell me to keep going, but they didn't do that. Once we were there at the Task Force building, Keshi softly tapped on the brakes. "Here we are," he told me. "Yes!" I quietly cheered quietly. Once I was out of the car, I closed the door and bowed goodbye to the elderly couple. "Bye," I told them. "Thanks." They bowed back before they drove off. Once they drove away, I turned around and walked inside the Task Force building.
I was in the interrogation room waiting for Chief Matsuda and Commander Aizawa to enter the room. I wasn't very impatient, but I was wondering why it took the both of them so long to come. They were the highlight of the Japanese police, but I was sure that they may have been busy today. I heard the door open and I looked up to see Officer Sanami at the doorway. "Chief Matsuda is here," she informed me. Seconds later, I saw Chief Matsuda with a bag of food in hand. I watched as he stepped into the room as Officer Sanami kept the door open for him. "Thank you," Chief Matsuda told her. "You're welcome," she said with a smile on her face. I watched as Officer Sanami left the room and closed the door once Chief Matsuda was inside the room. "Thank goodness you're okay, Marie," he told me right before he sat down. I looked at Chief Matsuda and noticed that he was alone. That was unusual since I'd always seen him with Commander Aizawa, but he wasn't anywhere in sight.
"Where's Commander Aizawa?" I asked. "He went on a vacation with his wife for his anniversary so he won't be back for a while." I sat there a little bit surprised after hearing that. "Oh," I let out. "As you know, yesterday we were busy with the funerals and everything," Chief Matsuda told me. "We also heard the way Mr. Arima treated you. How did you deal with that?" "Well," I began as I tried to think of an answer. "Mr. Mikami intervened. He was able to tell him how his son wouldn't have wanted his father to inflict pain on someone who couldn't save him twice. The Lees are no different." "Wow," Chief Matsuda let out. "So I've heard." He stayed silent for a little bit. "Is it true that you didn't have a vision that could have saved Mei and Jirou?" I nodded and gave Chief Matsuda a serious look on my face. "Some people have started being mean to me for it," I answered. "This whole thing reminds me of Final Destination. It's entertaining to watch on TV, but when it manifests its way into reality, it scares you."
"You have a point," Chief Matsuda told me. "But I don't believe in Death's design or any of that stuff from Final Destination. I know that there have been many situations like that, but to tell you the truth, Final Destination is just a movie. Nothing more and nothing less." I continued to look at Chief Matsuda with the same serious look on my face. "It's all just some spooky coincidence," he continued. "How do you know if we're not in a Final Destination situation right now?" I asked. Chief Matsuda shrugged and shook his head. "I can't answer that," he answered. "You're the one that had the vision. It should be something that only you would know and catch up to. In my opinion, I think that something like this can't happen just like on Final Destination. Many situations like this happen every day and to tell you the truth, everything is fine after that. The people that were in the disasters go on and continue to live the rest of their lives in peace."
I still didn't believe Chief Matsuda. I knew that something like this wouldn't have happened unless like Light said. The only reason why a Final Destination situation would happen is if...no! I can't come to that conclusion! Who would want to hurt Mei and Jirou? And why? They would never hurt anyone! This just didn't make any sense! How am I supposed to know if we're safe or not? What if this isn't a coincidence...what if more and more people are going to die too? I thought to myself. I saw Chief Matsuda slide the bag of food up to me. "I thoughyou might have been hungry after all these long hours," he told me. I was surprised by Chief Matsuda's kind gesture. "Thank you," I told him as I accepted the bag of food. "What's in it?" "Eh, you know," he answered. "Mickey Dee's. The famous Big Mac and French fries with ketchup." I smiled. "Thanks," I said excitedly as I pulled out the Big Mac.

Death Note: The Next Kira (Part One)
FanfictionOne year after the events of Death Note, a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old Gothic girl and wannabe witch named Anna Marie Monroe moves to Japan with her acquaintance, Christy Grim who dreams of starting a singing career. Marie tries to get used t...