FEBRUARY 23, 2006
I was shopping in the Tokyo Plaza Ginza for some stuff that I wouldn't mind buying with my birthday money that Christy would give me. I saw a camcorder that had a DVD in it, a boombox, and a DVD player. I sighed and lowered my head, not because all that stuff was expensive, but because I knew that I had five more days to make my REAL birthday wish come true. And here I was shopping for stuff that I didn't exactly need and stuff that wasn't going to help me get proof that Mr. Mikami was wrongly accused. "Hey," I heard a guy say. I gasped once I turned around and saw Light there. He shushed me. "Don't get so jumpy," he reminded me. "Other people can't see me." "Oh, Light," I said to him. "I don't know what I'm going to do." "Okay, what's wrong?" Light asked. "Is all this stuff too expensive?" I shook my head. "No," I answered. "I wouldn't mind buying this stuff for my birthday, but it's not going to save Mr. Mikami. A camcorder would be useless unless I get a confession out of Geffrey in which, he'll never do that in public and I'm not going to barge into his house uninvited, a boombox is a radio along with a CD player, and the DVD player...it's not going to help at all. I should stop wasting my time shopping and spend more time focusing on how I'm going to prove Mr. Mikami's innocence."
"Hmm," Light let out. "You could allow me to do the work. Geffrey can now see me since I touched him with a piece from the Death Note. After what he did, there's nothing wrong with framing him for being the current Kira like that one time." "No, I..." I tried to say when I realized what Light could have done to Geffrey. "Wait, that was you?" I asked. Light shrugged. "I wish," he answered. "But no. I didn't." I walked out of the store with Light on my tail. "Hey, wait!" Light called out. I turned around and looked at him. "I said that I didn't do it," Light continued. "I don't know who did this, but just so you know I'm always there to help you when you need it. Whatever you want. Whatever you need. I'm here for you." I took a breath through my nose before I said something to Light. "Why don't we talk about this in the car?" I asked. "People are going to suspect something if we keep talking right here."
I was driving down the road with Light in the passenger seat. "I don't know how you're going to be able to go back to America without driving on the wrong side of the road over there," Light commented. "Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so different here in Japan," I told him. "I'm serious," Light said to me. "Once you get used to this here, you're gonna be...MARIE, WATCH OUT!" I gasped when I saw a red car speeding on the road and was about to hit us. I slammed on the brakes and panicked as we both saw the car speed off. "What the hell?!" I asked. "That guy came out of nowhere!" I looked at Light with fear in my eyes. "How come I didn't notice him?" I asked. "Well," Light said with his arm out. "You were doing the decent thing by keeping your eyes on the road." I leaned forward and looked to the right, but I didn't see the car anywhere. "Where did it go?" I asked. Light pointed to the right. "To the right," he answered.
I sighed and turned on the blinker. "What are you doing?" Light asked. "I'm going to go follow it," I answered before I turned to the right. "Bad idea," Light told me. "It's getting dark soon and you have work tomorrow." "Christy won't be home until eleven tonight," I informed Light. "She's working on a new album with Steve and also, I'll be home before bedtime." I drove on as I felt Light keeping his eyes glued on me. I turned and glanced at him. "What?" I asked. "I need to keep my eyes on the road." "You're following someone and you don't know which way they went," he said to me. "True, but hopefully I'll be able to catch up with them soon," I told Light. "The person was speeding," Light informed me. "And it's not like you got a good look at that idiot's face or something." He paused for a moment. "Plus, the cops are probably gonna catch this dude before you do," Light continued. "Maybe, but I'll be able to catch their face sooner or later," I informed Light. "I've got to find where the idiot parked his car first. Please keep a lookout for the car."

Death Note: The Next Kira (Part One)
FanfictionOne year after the events of Death Note, a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old Gothic girl and wannabe witch named Anna Marie Monroe moves to Japan with her acquaintance, Christy Grim who dreams of starting a singing career. Marie tries to get used t...