Chapter 96: Road Trip to Yokohama

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MARCH 27, 2006


AT 10:30 AM  


I was packing up my bags for the Yokohama field trip. "What's with the bags?" I heard Light ask. I turned around and saw him with Ryuzaki. "Oh, it's just the trip that Mr. Mikami's taking us on for the week," I answered. "Do you think Khloe will be fine with the lady next door since she's taking care of Blue?" "We're the wrong people to ask," Light answered. "If you're gonna be gone for days, that's gonna be an issue because you never know when Christy's going to be home." I thought about what I was going to do for a moment. "I guess I'll give her a call," I commented. "You'd better tell her that Khloe and Alex will be staying with the lady next door," Light said to me. "I will," I told Light. I looked at Ryuzaki and noticed that he was being more quiet than usual. "Ryuzaki," I said to him. "Is there something that you wanna tell me?" Ryuzaki continued to stay silent. "Have a nice trip," the words slipped out from his lips. I was surprised to hear that those words were all that he had to say. "Thank you," I said to him. "That's very sweet of you to say." 

"Are you going to go in the onsen?" Ryuzaki asked. I made a confused look on my face. "Why?" I asked. Ryuzaki stayed silent for a little bit before he sighed. "No reason," he answered. I shrugged. "If it were one of Niko's onsen houses, then maybe," I answered. "If not, then I guess I won't bother. I don't feel comfortable getting naked in front of strangers. Even if they're female." "I don't blame you," Light told me. "Bathing with strangers without any clothes on can be scary sometimes. Then again, I don't care. Anyway, have fun on the Yokohama trip." "Yeah, have fun," Ryuzaki said to me. I waved them goodbye, gathered my bags, and went outside to the bus without forgetting to lock the door. 


Now that Marie was gone, I turned and looked at Ryuzaki. "So, now that she's going to be gone for a little while, how about we talk about your dream last night," I told Ryuzaki. He seemed a little tense after I asked him that. "What do you mean?" Ryuzaki asked. "The dream you had," I answered. "I woke up to hear you say oh no about something. What was it about?" Ryuzaki shook his head. "It's nothing," he answered. "Nothing that should concern you." "Oh come on," I said to Ryuzaki. "Just tell me." Ryuzaki went up to the couch and sighed. I followed him and sat down beside him. "Well," he began. "I think...I might be...losing my mind." 



I got on the bus. "Good morning, Marie," Mr. Mikami greeted me. I was surprised to see him driving the bus because Ms. Seraphim was the bus driver. "Good morning, Mr. Mikami," I greeted him back. "Where's Ms. Seraphim?" "She had to work at Kanto Region American Middle School," Mr. Mikami answered. "But Sam and Sky are here." I sighed. "Well, that's a relief," I said out loud. "Anyway, you may want to take a seat," Mr. Mikami informed me. "It's going to be a long ride until we reach Yokohama." I nodded. "I will," I answered. I walked down the aisle in search of a seat. "Hey, Marie," I heard Kyrie say. I turned to my right and saw Kyrie sitting in a seat. "Kyrie," I said out loud. I sat down beside her and looked around for Vincent. "Where's Vincent?" I asked. Kyrie sighed. "He's taking care of the baby," she answered. "Thankfully, Ryuk's there to help him with the baby." I heard the bus door shut and felt the bus pull out of my drive away.          

"I also forgot to say that the baby smiled," Kyrie informed me. "The baby loves Ryuk. At first, Ryuk thought that she'd be scared of him and start crying, but no. All Marlene wants is to be around Ryuk. As in Vincent's baby sister, not the Final Fantasy VII girl." "I'm aware," I told Kyrie. "So, where exactly in Yokohama are we going?" I asked. "It's something like Paradaisu Waterpark and Resort," Kyrie answered. "Only is another Paradaisu Waterpark and Resort, but in Yokohama." I got curious and thought about the last time I went to a waterpark. Damn. I thought to myself.

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