training- gone wrong

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The Avengers had been told they would be training with a powerful superhero who didn't belong to their team. It was unexpected to say the least, but interesting for sure. Who was it, and why weren't they a part of the team if they were powerful enough to fight them? Was it some kind of test, and if so, for whom?

They were pretty surprised when they saw a man clad in red and blue spandex coming into their private gym. They all knew of him, of course, but they didn't know he was so important. In fact, most of them thought his abilities were basic considering he never got involved in big fights, and that all his powers were a part of his suit, just as Iron Man's.

"Hi," he said nervously while rubbing his covered arms and astonishing everyone with his youthful voice.

"Kid, what are you doing here?" Tony asked as he came out of his suit, confirming the team's concerns: Spider-Man was actually a kid.

"Hey Mr. Stark... I'm sorry if you didn't want me here, I was just called by Mr. Fury and couldn't deny or else my identity would be revealed." The teen kept on fidgeting and avoided looking up.

"Fury threatened you? Who does he think he is?!" Stark started saying agitatedly. He was utterly offended and indignant that someone would threaten the cinnamon roll.

Fortunately, Thor cut him off before he could continue his dad-mode rambling. "Man of spiders, why would you think you wouldn't be wanted here?" He was genuinely curious. Peter looked up in confusion with a frown evident through the mask.

"For turning down the generous offer of being an Avenger. I know it wasn't a test, Mr. Stark, I just couldn't handle it. I didn't want to leave the little situations unattended because I was very busy waiting for a threat to the world, and I didn't know how to say it without offending you. Figured it would be easier to not say it at all. You'd be surprised of how many times acting stupid and oblivious can save you from difficult situations."

"So, you mean to tell me that you turned down the offer... because you seriously didn't want to be an Avenger?" the billionaire asked, puzzled. At Peter's nod, he tried again. "You didn't want to be a part of the Avengers, an elite team with Earth mightiest heroes, who battle against the biggest villains in existence from every world and defend the Earth?" Peter nodded again, this time slower to make his point across. "Because you wanted to save people who are often overlooked for free instead of working for the Earth as a whole while being paid?"

"Mr. Stark, I'm pretty sure you know the answer."

"Just making sure," he said, putting up a facade to stop surprise and pride from leaking through his face. He willed the Iron Man suit to come to him again.

A whistle was heard from the boy's left. "You're seriously something, huh? You should be proud." It was Hawkeye speaking, being followed by short nods of agreement from the other heroes in the room.

It was only then that Peter noticed the amount of people present. It wasn't just the original Avengers, as he had been told; there was also T'Challa, Shuri, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man and the Wasp.

"Hi everyone!" Spider-Man said cheerfully, though still extremely nervous. It was pretty obvious, too.

"Hi, what's your name?" Steve asked.

"Uhh, secret identity here?"


There was a kind of awkward silence in which some of the heroes stared at the kid in wonder while others seized him up.

Peter started speaking, "Shouldn't we... maybe... train?" But he never got the chance to finish that sentence, as an American-themed shield was thrown his way. Spider-Man simply shoot a web at it and pulled it into his own hands. "Dude, that was rude! I wasn't done talking." He pouted slightly.

"Less talking and more action." Steve went to throw an experienced punch after thinking he was done analyzing his opponent, only to realize quite late that it was a very bad idea. Yep, he underestimated him by thinking his abilities came only out of technology. And for his age, that proved he was less capable. And for his apparently inexperienced stance.

All of them which were actually false.

So Steve was surprised when the boy easily caught his fist in his hand and threw him into the ceiling with one hand. Steve, however, decided that if he was going to be thrown into the ceiling, he would take advantage of it. What did Captain do? He took Spider-Man's glove with him, to prevent him from crawling through the walls.

Oh boy, he was wrong.

"Taking my clothing isn't very patriotic, is it?" Peter asked sassily, letting his Spider-Man personality show a flash of itself. He decided he should have some fun; it isn't every day you get to fight The Captain America, so he let his personality completely switch from the shy and nervous teen to the confident and sassy hero.

He webbed the super-soldier as he reached the ceiling, locking him in place and immobilizing him. He then jumped fifteen meters up and stuck to the ceiling with both hands.

"It wasn't the gloves?" Steve asked stupidly.

"No, no it wasn't." And then he turned so he was standing upside down, before proceeding to knock Captain out with his own shield, that had previously been held between his legs.

Peter jumped down. "Oops." His tone was non-apologetic. "The webbing will dissolve in a couple of hours." He smiled innocently. Everyone continued to stare.

Why? Because he had taken down one of the strongest people on Earth in under two minutes. And it had been fucking amazing.

Shuri, however, still had to test Peter.

"How did you take down Captain America?" she asked. It seemed like a normal question due to the situation, but Peter knew better.

"We shot him in the legs because his shield is the size of a dinner plate and he is an idiot," Peter answered in a German accent with a sly smirk, not missing the dread on T'Challa's eyes once the words left his mouth.

"Not another one. Please, no. I'm begging you. No."

Shuri smiled.

"What's your name?" Peter asked.

"What up? I'm Jared, I'm nineteen and I never fucking learnt how to read," she answered without missing a beat. "And yours?"

"I'm Michael with a b, and I've been afraid of insects my whole life."

"Stop, stop, stop. Where?"

"Hm?" He faked confusion.

"Where's the b?"

"There's a bee?" His voice cracked.

The princess again smiled at the boy, prompting him to quote another vine.

"I like your accent, where you from?" he asked.

"I'm Liberian."

"Oh, my bad." He started whispering, "I like your accent, where you from?"

"Are- are they fine?" a dubious Tony asked.

Both teens turned to look at the man in a suit of armor. "Oh, hi. Thanks for checking in. I'm still a piece of garbage."

As soon as their interaction was over, they broke down in a fit of laughter.

The Avengers could swear they tried everything to gain back their attention, but nothing worked.

Not Iron Man's beams, not Thor's hammer, not Strange's magic.

That was until Clint stole Natasha's gun and fired at the roof once.

Both teens turned to look at the man simultaneously and yelled, "This is why mom doesn't fucking love you!"

A/N 1200 words lol

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