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Ever since Peter found out that the spider-bite had affected his flexibility, he started dancing.

No, he did not take public lessons, all credits go to the hundreds over thousands of cheesy ballet videos.

The skill is useful nonetheless, he's able to dodge and attack more efficiently with style, which is a win-win for Peter.

Of course, when he moved into the tower, he never told anyone about it. He would lock himself in his room a few days a week, and no one would question what he did in there.

They, of course, wondered what he did in there, little did they know, they were getting his answers really soon.




Terrorists attacked the tower just an hour ago and the Avengers were struggling to fight back. They had evacuated everyone in the tower, from the interns to the guests.

Peter was at school so he couldn't help out. So WHY THE HELL DID SPIDERMAN JUST SWUNG IN??

"SPIDEY, ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE AT YOU-KNOW-WHERE??!" Tony yelled through the comms, to which the teen replied with a small laugh.

"It's fine, I gave my guy in the chair instructions. Is FRIDAY operating?" Peter asked while knocking down a guy with his webs.

Tony blasted his repulsers at a guy, knocking him down.

"Yeah, wh-" He was caught mid-sentence when his suit shut down, causing it to become rigid. The suit fell from the air and was about to come crashing to the ground but Peter caught the suit and laid it on the ground.

"Cap, Mr. Stark's down. What's your status?" Peter asked through the comms, wishing for a response.

"I'm struggling, Clint's down with a shot on the shoulder, Buck's out cold," Steve replied with a grunt and a sound of a punch.

"These guys are trained, I'm fighting 10 guys and about to go down. Backup needed." Nat's voice rang through the comms.

Peter shot a guy down with his webs, a plan forming in his mind. It is a risky one but it's better than nothing.

"How many guys left?" Peter asked.

"There are at least 40 more guys outside," Sam replied while the sounds of bullets rang through the comms.

"I got a plan, get every terrorist over to the lobby, get the ones that are down to the medbay. I'll deal with them." Peter suggested, earning a few protests, but Peter had different plans.

"FRIDAY, notify every terrorist to come over to the lobby."

It wasn't even a minute until all of the terrorists came crashing into the lobby, all armed with high-tech guns. The Avengers that are still open ran into the room.

Peter looked around, there are at least 70 men around.

"FRIDAY, play my playlist."

Peter took a deep breath in and started to move around.

Love is just a history that they may prove
And when you're gone

The terrorist started shooting and Peter dodged to the music while webbing some of their guns away. Peter webbed Tony to the ceiling as well.

I'll tell them my religion's you
When Punktious comes to kill the king upon his throne

The spiderling spun around, shooting webs in different directions while dodging the bullets being shot his way.

He grabbed his ribbon on a stick and untwirled it and spun it around, closing his eyes.

I'm ready for their stones

Peter wrapped his ribbon around one of the men, pulled him towards his body, and kicked the gun out of his grasp.

I'll dance, dance, dance
With my hands, hands, hands
Above my head, head, head

Peter controlled the man's body into dancing with him, while using the body to take the shots.

He webbed the body onto the ground and webbed some of the men and their weapons onto the ground.

Like Jesus said

He webbed his ribbon to him once more, using it to snatch their weapons.

He sensed a bullet being shot straight at him, so he jumped high into the air, doing a split and a backflip.

I'm gonna dance, dance, dance
With my hands, hands, hands above my head
Hands together, forgive him before he's dead, because

He took his chance and kicked a few terrorists and webbed their guns away.

I won't cry for you
I won't crucify the things you do

Peter sensed a bullet shooting toward him, so he bent down backward with his hand touching the floor.

He had enough.

He spun around, kicking, punching, and webbing. As the song was close to the end, he had one more guy left, who was trembling with fear.

The man dropped his gun and sprinted away, or tried to. Peter jumped in the air and roundhouse-kicked him, knocking him out cold.

Líberate, mi amor

The song ended as Peter webbed him.

He turned around and saw the shocked Avengers. Steve had Bucky on his back, Clint had a bleeding shoulder with bruises on his face and a few visible on his arm, Natasha had her suit almost shredded into pieces with a few bleeding scars, and Sam's wings were sparking.

"Let's get you guys fixed up, alright?"

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