saved but peter pulls an uno reverse

471 12 9

A/N wow 2023 words lol

TW suicide

Peter Parker was tired. He was tired of everything. He was tired of life, itself. He didn't want to die, he just wanted the pain to stop.

Voices kept on taking over his thoughts, saying such cruel things that he soaked up like a sponge. He just couldn't take it anymore. Anti-depressants didn't work anymore. He just couldn't handle life as itself. He sat in his bedroom silently. It was 1:37 am.

He sighed, and realized he wouldn't be able sleep for the rest of the night. He got up and put on his spider man suit. He opened his window, and descended down into the starry night.

He shot a web out onto a tall skyscraper, and sat there for a moment. This building was well over 300 feet tall. He would easily die if he fell down. All it took was a little push.

"Peter, I sense high amounts of stress coming off of you. Do you want me to call Mr. Stark?" Karen asked.

"No, Karen. Im Fine." Peter responded.

"Peter, unfortunately, due to 'Save Spider' protocol is you are feeling high amounts of stress, i an to contact and alert Mr. Stark immediately." Karen insisted.

"No— Karen I'm fine. Give me 30 minutes." Peter sighed.

"Starting timer for 30 minutes. If your stress levels are still this high, I will call Mr. Stark." Karen responded.

Peter sighed. 30 minutes was more than enough time to end his life. He just had to jump. That's call it took.

He doubted Mr. Stark, let alone anyone would be awake at this time. He had until 2:30. It was 2 am right now.

He just had to jump.

But, he hasn't sent out his goodbye texts yet. He needed to send Mr Stark his last. He knew that he would come flying to the rescue and save Peter before he could die.

He sighed again. He didn't want to die. He just wanted the pain of being a burden go away. And, well, dying was the only way to make it stop.

He checked the time.

'2:10 am' it read.

"I've already spent 10 minutes sulking? I need to hurry up." He thought, staring at the scenery in front of him.

He sighed once more, taking off his mask and throwing it to the side on the roof. He took off the spider man suit and changed into new clothes he packed, which consisted of trousers, and a sweatshirt. He rolled the trousers up, and he brought the razor close to his already ruined skin.

Thousands of small, and large cuts littered his once perfect skin. His thigh ached at the thought of adding any more lines onto it.

"10 minutes remaining before I alert Mr. Stark." Karen alerted.

"I need to hurry up." Peter thought to himself.

He sliced his thigh with the razor, red dripping down his thigh at an alarming rate. He sliced more, and more and more and more.

He glided the razor along his skin until his leg was a sea of red. His thigh stung with every slight movement, and he was starting to get dizzy.

"Five minutes before I alert Mr. Stark." Karen alerted, which reminded me that I needed to die already.

I sent my last messages to everyone, and my finger lingered over the 'send' button, in Mr. Starks contact.

But, I couldn't back out now. I already sent the messages to Ned and MJ. My finger bumped, and the goodbye message sent.

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