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Slowly, cautiously, Peter opened his window from the outside and entered his room in absolute silence. He then headed to his bed, making sure the wooden floor under him wouldn't creak as his stepped in it. Like that, the teen made his way to his bed and lay in it, only taking off his mask and making it so the rest of the suit was hidden beneath the blankets. Next, Peter closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, it taking every ounce of his willpower for it not to become true.

This had been going on for a while now, ever since the war with Thanos finished. Peter had innocently believed that once it was over, he would be able to relax and take his mind off it.

But when the craved moment finally arrived, reality was far from what he had expected.

How was Peter supposed to sleep when every time he fell asleep he relived that one painful memory, feeling himself be torn apart each time?

Peter just couldn't take it, and so he had given up sleep.


Sleepless nights took a toll on Peter, though he wouldn't admit it. His eyes became unfocused most often than not, his responses now came always with a delay touched by tiredness, and the bags under his eyes were now almost dark enough to match his dreams.

Was it really worth it? If Peter's thoughts weren't as hazy as they were, he'd probably be able to think about it, but they were, so he did not.

That was until the day came that it became too much and he passed out in exhaustion, six days after living off caffeine.

Nightmares didn't come as a surprise. In his unconscious state, Peter whimpered and cried, but he was too quiet for his family at the tower to notice. But Friday did, eventually, picking up in his ragged breathing and accelerating heartbeat. She alerted Tony, who was quick to head into his mentee's room to help him out. It was his area of expertise, after all.

"Hey, Underoos. Everything's alright." Tony could only whisper comforting nothings in hopes to soothe the teen until he woke up, otherwise it would be worse for the traumatized child. The billionaire was unable to do anything as he watched the kid he saw as his own suffer in his restless sleep, his face contorting in expressions of pure pain and horror that didn't belong there.

It wasn't long until Peter's eyes flung open, shining with tears as he whimpered. "No, no, no!"

Tony reached out a hesitant hand to touch the teen's arm. "It's fine, Pete, you're fine."

His head shot up, hurrying to find the source of the voice and achieving it after three seconds of residual fear and confusion. Not a second later, Peter hurled himself into his mentor's arms, in desperate need of a hug, of reassurance, which was returned with just as much emotion.

Peter couldn't help the pain of his nightmare burning inside of him, there was nothing he could do against reliving one of the most recent and painful moments of his life.

"It's fine, Peter. He'll never hurt you again. You're fine."

The little teen pulled back, tears now a continuous stream over his cheeks as he gripped Tony's shoulders with just a little too much strength. He shook his head.

"You are fine. That's what I needed to know."

Because all these nights, the nightmares that accompanied him hadn't been about him being dusted, but rather of Tony being in the brink of death after snapping his fingers with the gauntlet and stones. Because, ironically enough, being torn apart physically hurt less than being torn apart emotionally.

Peter looked at Tony, at his dad, one last time, just to make sure he was actually there, before being pulled in for another hug even tighter than the previous one. This time, both of their cheeks were wet, but they had everything they needed. Now everything was alright.

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