Field trip...Overnight (PART 6)

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"Fuck." Holly swore under her breath, "The intern has overridden their passes for right now."

"Oh. That makes sense, not them knowing him, but him overriding their cards."

"Cool." Holly let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and left the teens to their antics.

Meanwhile back in Peters room, MJ was bringing out the big guns. "So little spider."

Peters eyes widened, "I'm not a spid- I mean... I-I-II-I I'm nnn-no-no-t-not spiderman."

"Sure you aren't"

"Fuck you."

"I fuck me too."

"NO no no MJ, your so weird."

"I know, when are you gonna sneak away to work in your lab?"

"Well I'm just gonna do it now cause I'll never do it if I don't do it now."

"Go spiderkid."

"Stahp MJ."

"Nope, your on your own."

Peter snuck to his lab with no complications, everyone from the other room was trying to sleep anyone.

The spider suit was back on it's mannequin when Peter arrived, pleased he pulled his web shooters out of his backpack and began upgrading the web solution.

Peter was almost done developing his waterproof webs when he heard voices behind him.

"Shit, the interns back," Flash whispered to himself seeing the back of Peters head, not recognizing Peter as his hair became curly before bed.

The intern chose not to turn around and look at Flash, so he proceeded to the bathroom.

Flash was in the bathroom for longer than he needed to be, but to be honest, he was looking through the one way glass that allowed someone to see into the lab, it was essential to Peter when he had a time sensitive project and he needed to keep an eye on it while he was in the bathroom.

He sadly did not get a glimpse of Peter that night (I know, I know, you wanted Peter to turn around)

But... Flash wasn't the only one who used the bathroom that night.

Isabella went shortly after Flash.

She saw the back of Peters head, not recognizing him as well.

Although the glass in the bathroom proved to be the gamechanger.

Isabella saw Peter through the window.

Isabella had just noticed that she could see the intern working in his lab, despite the fact that his back was turned to her.

Peter turned around to check his equations on the wall behind him when his enhanced senses picked up a gasp.

He quickly put on the mask and scanned the room for heat sources... safe.

Peter still didn't know who it was so in a frenzy he raced up the stairs to Tonys lab.

"Dad." Peter said without thinking twice.

"Hey underoos, what are you doing up?" Tony smirked.

"Well, I couldn't sleep because I was thinking, so I went to the lab and I heard someone gasp when I turned to fix the equations and there is no one in my lab I already scanned and I don't know if someone saw me. But how?"

"Pete, calm down, doesn't your bathroom have that window thing?"


"There you go, they were in the bathroom, now go confront them."

Peter crawled down, knowing it was faster and exited his lab.

Peter was in the hallway just as Isabella left the bathroom. He quickly grabbed her and covered her mouth, successfully stiffling her scream. He then walked with her to his living room, grabbed two apples out the fruit bowl on the counter and went to sit with her on the couch.

"That's the interns." Isabella stated.

"Your smarter than that, tell me what you saw."

"I was in the bathroom and I saw you working, and as soon as I noticed the glass you turned around, I gasped because I was surprised but then you started looking around like a madman and went up to Tony Stark's lab. And did you call him Dad?"

"Ok" Peter internally sighed when he realized she had not seen him on the walls and continued, "Mr. Stark granted me an internship last year. He was looking for a personal intern, and I filled that position. Soon after I began living here part time, and with my aunt other times. Yes, I snuck away at dinner because I know the Avengers personally. Please don't tell anyone or anything, I really need this to be kept a secret."

"Who else knows?"

"Promise me first."

"Fine, I promise, now, who else knows."

"Ned and MJ."

"Makes sense, can't keep a secret from MJ no matter what and Ned is just..." Isabella paused in thought, "Ned." She confirmed.

"Very Ned." Peter laughed before shooing Isabella away and confiscating her apple, this was a closely guarded secret, but it was like the guard was the French taunter from Monty Python or something.

The next morning was hectic.

Peter awoke from his bed to find Cindy in his fruit bowl, about to grab the last plout.

The thing is... Peter has a soft spot for pluots, and just as she was about to take a bite of the plum looking fruit, Peter, with his web shooters still on from the night before grabbed the pluot with the sticky solution.

The girl looked over in shock, seeing Peter biting into her fruit.

"Hey! That was my sweet tart plum thing!" Cindy yelled. (for anyone who has never had a pluot, first, I'm sorry you've had to live without trying one, they taste like sweet tarts, you know, the candy, but they are actually fruit. They are amazhang!)

Peter looked up, "You're not even going to mention my web shooters?"

"I won't tell anyone your the spider-kid, buttttt..." Cindy drew out her words for added comic suspense, "I get the fruit."

"Fiiiiinneee." Peter tossed her the fruit and sulked off to his room to get dressed.

Getting ready for the day went very smoothly after that. Cindy and Isabella glanced over at him at times but both for different reasons.

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