The dark spider

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Every day Peter was living in the Avengers tower he was referred to as a kid or child. The baby of the team yet Peter always thought he was the most mature alongside Nat.

He knows it was only for teasing purposes but after the things, Peter has been through it starts to get to you.

During the blip when Peter came back with Tony in the spaceship he left the avengers he retired Spider-Man and took up a new mantle.

The Dark Spider.

Everyone knew it was Spider-Man but this dark spider was very different compared to the happy Spider-Man.

This new spider never joked or pulled punches. He killed and humiliated criminal scum that look to ruin his home in New York.

People were already at their breaking points losing family and more so the Dark spider lived to strike fear into the criminal underworld and serve justice for the people of New York.

When everyone returned Peter retired the Dark spider forever and brought his old mantle off the shelf.

Spider-Man had returned and the avengers still thought he was this fun-loving kid. Still a kid and it seemed he always would be.

The anger in Peter only built up day by day and he was close to snapping. The person he snapped at would fear they ever crossed Peter.

The only people that know who Peter truly was is Nat and Clint. Nat tried to mother Peter into the light but was unsuccessful and Clint even teamed up to slaughter the tracksuit gang.

Clint and Peter confided in one another about their experiences and Clint became the father that Peter always wanted in life.

He accepted Clint as his fake father and Peter even acted as a perfect son. Never listened to his advice and got annoyed at his parent.

When everyone returned he brought Peter to meet his new family and they welcomed him with warm arms.

Peter spent most of his time with Lila and he would never admit this but she was his favourite sibling.

Returning to the tower the avengers were spending quality time catching up with the survivors of the blip.

It was Peter's turn and he felt very uncomfortable. All eyes were on him as the tv blared away in the background.

Clint and Nat both pitied their eyes. Something Peter never wanted nor loved was a pity.

He got enough of that at school when people found out his parents were dead and his uncle had died. Flash even said sorry to him and Peter nearly punched him in the face for it.

"I didn't do much really," Peter said darting his eyes around the room. No one said anything most also didn't believe him.

They all heard rumours of a new vigilante that killed people and had suspiciously the same powers as their cinnamon roll but it couldn't be Peter, right?

They asked Nat and Clint who it was but they just said they had no idea who they were talking about. All of the sudden breaking news interrupted them.

"BREAKING NEWS. A prisoner known as Steven "Skip" Westcott was freed today after serving a 9-year sentence for sexually assaulting a young boy. Steven only had one thing to address to the public this is what he said...

Peter, I know you watching so I'll just tell you this meet me at the old house where it happened. Steven winked into the camera and it cut off back to the broadcaster.

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