Don't mess with the kid

581 19 8

tw: swearing

Tony had a meeting. But he was busy.

Problem was that Pepper hadn't told him that the meeting was with the Rogue Avengers and he couldn't miss it. She had asked Peter to tell him, but Peter didn't.

Because Peter was kinda hoping he wouldn't go so he could take his place.

And his wish came true.


Peter walked into the room like he wasn't just a random kid going into a meeting with the Avengers.

He wasn't, but they didn't know that.

Unbeknownst to them, the kid they saw as calmly threatening was usually happy and carefree.

But not today. Not to them, at least.

"Who are you?" It was Natasha who spoke.

"I'm Peter," he said, as if that cleared all doubts.

"And you are here because...?" Captain America bravely asked what was in everyone's minds.

"Because Tony couldn't make it to the meeting, so I'm here in his place."

"But this is Avengers' business, it's confidential," Sam said in confusion.

"Oh, don't worry," Peter dismissed his concerns, "I already know all there is to know about you and your situation."

Okay, that was certainly unexpected.

"How old even are you?" Scott asked.

"Just turned 16."

"Is it even legal for you to be here?" Steve asked.

Peter shrugged. "I'm Tony's intern."

"Okay," Clint said, dragging out the a.

There was an uncomfortable silence for some seconds, before Steve cleared his throat and spoke.

"Let's start the meeting, shall we?"

The meeting went as planned, except that the person making the arrangements that Tony was supposed to do was instead a kid.

Everyone was confusion.

Except Peter, of course.

"You'll be given your own floor, three floors down from the penthouse. You can't, under any circumstances, go to the penthouse unless you're called by Tony, Pepper, Happy, Rhodey or me first." Peter's voice held no compassion whatsoever, he was just indifferent and went straight to the point without trying to sugarcoat it.

"What if someone's dying?" Clint asked, being the first who dared interrupt the kid.

Peter wasn't so cold when he spoke to the archer. "You call Friday, she'll know what to do. If it gets critical, she'll call us."

"Are you here often?" Natasha asked almost curiously.

"Irrelevant, but yes. I basically live here half the time."

The team started to notice Peter was only apathetic towards Steve.

"Can Tony take care of you?" said soldier asked. He sounded close to concerned.

"Of course, he's the best mentor ever." Peter frowned.

"He isn't drunk much around you, isn't he? And he doesn't ignore you-?"

Steve was interrupted by the kid, whose eyes had visibly darkened.

"No. I told you, he's a good mentor."

"You can tell us the truth," Steve tried to assure him. "We can help."

Peter stood up abruptly.

"You come to his tower, where he is so generously letting you stay, and you dare insult him like that? Calling him a drunk and calling him neglectful?" Peter was seething. He couldn't believe it.

"Woah, kid, calm down!" Steve tried uselessly to pacify the angry teen.

"He has no reason to let you stay, he gets nothing from it, and yet he's still willing to house you, clothe you and feed you. He has absolutely no obligation to do this, but he's willing anyway because you're supposed to be his friends. But after all that happened during Civil War, how you went against him and then left him to die, and what you're saying now, Rogers, I don't think you're very good at it."

Natasha turned to the super soldier sharply. "What's this he's saying that you left Stark to die?"

"Oh, he didn't tell you?" Peter asked them all with raised eyebrows. "Doesn't really surprise me; what he did was disgusting." Peter stopped for a second to glare at Steve and then started narrating. "He fought Tony until he could barely move, broke Tony's arc reactor with his shield and then left him there, in a secret cave no one would be able to find, completely helpless." After a little, horrified pause, Peter added, "He still gets nightmares of one of his closest friends betraying him and trying to kill him."

Almost unconsciously, the whole team took a step towards the boy and away from Steve, who didn't deny the accusations.

"And why would Tony tell all this to a sixteen-year-old? How thoughtless can he be?" Steve said, but completely missed the way Peter's expression turned colder than ice. "And sending you here? There's no excuse for that."

Peter narrowed his eyes. "I've spared you way too many things already. Now I tell you, and this is not a warning, it's a threat, don't mess with my dad."

The people in the room were silent.

"What? He's your father?" Steve looked scandalized. "He can't even take care of himself, he can't raise a kid. He's too irresponsible and unreliable-"

A fist was stomped in the oak wood desk, breaking it in half.

"I dare you to finish that sentence."

Steve gulped and went to speak again, but Bucky, who had been extremely quiet during the whole meeting, grabbed him by the arm.

"Don't," he simply said, but he was hinting with his tone that this was no game. "He's right; we don't know him enough, and after what we did we don't have the right to judge. We haven't even seen him in two years. Steve, just shut up."

"It's fine, Mr. Barnes, I don't blame you, you weren't completely yourself. But him?" Peter pointed at Steve with something that resembled disdain. "He has no excuse.

"So now," Peter told everyone but Steve, who had been left in a corner, "you can go up to your new rooms and make yourselves comfortable.

"And you, Brooklyn bitch," Peter looked at Steve, "you can go fuck yourself."

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