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Peter loved cinnamon.

He ate cinnamon in his pancakes for breakfast, and took muffins or cookies with cinnamon to school every day. Donuts were also a good option for him, as was anything with cinnamon. Whenever his family ate pasta with bolognese sauce, Peter would demand that cinnamon was added to it.

Let's not even get started on his love for cinnamon rolls.

Cinnamon was a passion.

But then Tony acquired partial guardianship over Peter so he now lived in Stark tower half the time. And Clint seemed scandalized once he saw his obsession with cinnamon.

Then, all of a sudden, his collection of foods with cinnamon disappeared. Peter was thoroughly horrified by the discovery. Why would someone take his cinnamon? How would he survive the day?

Peter was late for school, so he just hurried out while still wondering what the heck had happened.

That same day, the young hero asked Tony to buy more. The teen never asked for anything, so the billionaire was quick to satisfy his wish, and so everything he had made Friday buy online arrived early the next day (perks of being Tony Stark).


Peter happily made his way to the kitchen, prepared everything he'd need to cook, and went to open the store's bags, only to find them empty.

Almost desperately, Peter started looking through the kitchen, checking every drawer and cupboard, to no avail.

The cinnamon was gone again.


On day three, abstinence kicked in. Peter literally begged Ned to bring him some cinnamon food to school.

Like the good friend he is, Ned brought the teen what he asked for.

Excitedly, Peter grabbed one of the rolls and hurried to eat it. He had missed it so much-

An arrow was suddenly nailed into his locker, holding the cinnamon roll.

Peter's eyes showed hysteria as he watched the perfect, innocent cinnamon roll break and slowly fall to the floor.

A man fell from the school's vents, screaming, and with a bow held in his hands.


"Clint what the fuck-"


"How could you?! Why?!" Peter asked in absolute horror.

"You shall not commit cannibalism," the archer stated, before grabbing the box of cinnamon rolls from Ned's hands and taking them. He swiftly left the school, leaving behind a hallway of shocked students and a distressed spider teen.


On his way home that afternoon, Peter had tried buying something, anything, with cinnamon in it in a grocery store, but Clint had appeared, half hidden behind an aisle, with his eyes narrowed.

Peter slowly left the box back in its place.

Clint disappeared.


At school the following day, Ned had smuggled some cinnamon cookies into class for him.

"Oh, Ned, thank you so much-"

Clint entered the English classroom like a ninja and kicked the cookie out of the teen's hand, making it fall into the ground.

"Clint! Just let it go, dude!"

"Who do you think I am? Elsa?"


This went on for a week.

A whole week.

"Please, Clint, let me eat cinnamon," Peter begged after what felt like an eternity to him of being away of that food of the gods.


Peter suddenly stood up angrily and took out a water gun. "I won't hesitate bitch!"

Clint stared at Peter blankly. Peter pouted and dropped the gun, leaving the room with his head hanging low.


The next time Clint frustrated Peter's attempts at eating cinnamon was during gym class.

Peter had thought he wouldn't notice, because no one eats during gym class, right?

Spoiler alert: he was wrong.

As the spiderling enthusiastically tried to eat his cinnamon donut, a long, loud scream was heard that interrupted him. One second later, the donut was nothing but dust. (sorry)

"Over. My. Fucking. Dead. Body."

Peter's lower lip trembled. His eyes filled with tears.

"No- no- kid, don't you dare-"

A single quiet sob escaped the teen's mouth, and the wall of the gym was suddenly demolished.

"What did you do to my son?"

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