Ghost Peter Part 5

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No, Peter, Peter, Peter.

"I don't wanna go, Mr. Stark"

Every night it was the same.

"Mr. Stark, please, please, I"

He was forced to watch him over and over while he stood doing nothing.

"I'm sorry...."

It was his worst nightmare, and he saw it happen every night. He couldn't save him. Just another person he disappointed.

"Boss. Intruder in the lab. Attempted to sign into a terminated program. Intruder. Intruder. Intruder. In-"

"Yeah, Fri, I got it."

He stumbled out of bed. The house was secure, or at least, he thought it was.

"Fri, where's Morgan?"

"Asleep in her room, boss."

He relaxed a bit a that. Morgan was safe. He rushed off to his lab, pushing all other thoughts behind.

Grabbing a baseball bat, Tony swung open the door. Light shone in front he hallway, but there was no one there that Tony could see.


"No one detected in the house, boss."


"No signs of entry or exit. Might I suggest this as a glitch?"

Tony shook his head, confused. FRIDAY doesn't glitch.

"Who did it try to gain access to?" Tony already assumed it was him, because the only other person who had access to his notes was Pet-

"Mr. Parker."

What? Why would....

"What did they say, any threats?"

There is a soft whir as FRIDAY pulls up the tape.

"Hello, individual."

"Mr. Parker's access has been terminated. Contacting the boss, please do not leave the premises. I have code to contact the police if you leave."

The tape cut. "Fri, there was no one else in the tape."

"There was. A young man. Short brown hair."

"Play it again."

This time, he saw a glimmer in the corner of the screen. "There. Pause. Zoom. Enhance."

No denying it now. There was a white figure in the bottom corner of the screen. It looked like a smudge at first, but as he enhanced it more and more, it began to look familiar.

There was no mistaking that round head or curly locks. It was Peter. But how?

Peter was wandering through the forest. He wasn't sure what to do with himself. He wanted to go back to the Starks, but even if Peter didn't care that he was just making Mr. Stark's life harder, he had no idea where he was.

If FRIDAY could talk to him...

He pulled his mask out of his pocket. He had gotten out of his iron spider suit, leaving him in his shirt and jeans. He still kept his mask in his pocket, however.

So now he pulled his mask out and slipped it on. There was a soft hum as the mask slipped online.


"Yes individual?" Peter sighed. He had thought that maybe Karen would recognize him.

"Can you point me in the direction of down?"

"Can you give me back to Spider-Man?"

Heh. He forgot how sassy Karen is. "He is in town, but I've gotten lost."

Karen emitted a sound that sounded similar to a sigh. "Very well. Head northeast and after 3.2 miles you will be on the outskirts of town. Any attempt at seeing classified information will result in police involvement and I have already contacted Mr. Stark."

Peter sighed. If Karen has contacted Mr. Stark, he would get all sad and worried. Great. More problems he was dumping on him.


Little did Peter know, Tony was already very, very confused.

Pacing, he thumbed through his contacts. It was really late at this point, but Tony doubted he could sleep.

Mostly, his mind was swimming with whys and how's and one I should eat.

But mostly the why's and how's.

He pick a person, praying they would be up.

"Hello?" A groggy voice asked.

"Bruce? It's Tony. Um..." He hadn't really worked out what to say. "Can we talk. Like right now. Come over to the tower."

Bruce, who had just woke up, blinked. "Um..." he stopped to yawn. "Sure?" His eyes peered through the darkness, seeing his alarm clock reading 4am.

Tony exhaled in relief. "See you soon." He hung up, quickly getting dressed. He would see Bruce soon, and maybe figure out why there was a...ghost? That looked just like Peter.

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