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haha spoke too soon.

It's a strange thing, death.

Often times in the media, it's portrayed as brave, as a 'sacrifice'. The protagonists best friend or lover takes a fatal hit for them, whipping out some witty one liner before falling silent, eyes closed serenely and contented. A few tears are shed before the fight continues, the death regarded as a motivational point. As necessary.

In reality, it is far, far worse.

In this universe, death is in the terrified cries of parents as their children wither away into ash. It bleeds into the screams of drivers swerving to avoid vehicles without an operator. It buries inside this realm, rooting itself into the lives of every creature, making itself known.

Death has no obligations to who it takes. In this universe, death feasts upon half of all living beings.

As Tony stands, light years away from his planet, the lump in his throat prevents him from uttering more than a dazed, "You're alright," unable to do more than hold Peter when the kid— his kid— stumbles into his grasp as he begs, begs not to die.

He leads Peter down to lay against the sandy ground of this planet because Peter's legs are fucking gone, staring down at pleading eyes, one thought running on repeat through Tony's mind.

I can't save him.

When Peter's face shifts, Tony can see the realization set, watching tears build in his eyes without falling down his face.

And when he speaks, Tony's heart shatters.

"I'm sorry," Peter whispers, eyes on Tony before his gaze drifts away, face going slack before disappearing into wind.

Tony's hand swipes at where Peter's face was, where his face should be, coating it in a mix of the red sand on Titan, and the ashy remnants of Peter.

It's like his emotions are at war inside him, shock causing him to stare uncomprehendingly at the ground. It doesn't make sense. How can someone like Peter, someone so bright, so full of energy, disappear within a minute?

Tony adjusts himself, sitting just beside the pile of dust that is— was— Peter's body, bringing shaky, ash covered hands to his face, his eyes falling shut. The grit of Peter's remains presses against his palms and forehead, that sole thought looping in his brain.

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