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Harley Keener was now an intern at Stark Industries. He didn't expect the Mechanic to remember him, so he applied the normal way, after getting into NY College. He got the intern job, and was ready to start the Potato Gun Mark 4, when the interns dragged him over to the store cupboard.

"What the... Amy! Why have you just dragged me into a cupboard?" He screeched as she turned on a torch to reveal Zachary, Ashley and Kiara. Zach and Ash looked excited, while Kiara just looked amused.

"It is a tradition for all new interns here at the Tower to hear the story of... The Kid." She whispered dramatically, despite the fact that there was no-one to overhear, as the entire staff of their lab was huddled in the supply closet.

He stared back, confused. Ashley sighed. Zachary picked up the story from there.

"It all started on a very regular Monday just like this one..." Kiara hit him on the head and glared, indicating to get on with the story.

"An intern - no-one knows who, the original account has been lost to time -" Another cough from Kiara - "Anyway, they were walking into their lab late at night having gone to get a coffee. And they found a kid, rummaging in the Dangerous Chemicals cupboard, muttering something about revenge. They called out to them to stop, and the Kid froze, before sprinting out of the room at superhuman speeds. He didn't have a pass, he isn't in the system but he can get to every single floor of the tower. That we know of. And do you want to know the weirdest bit?"

Harley was invested now, he couldn't deny it. He always loved a ghost story, and now he got to almost live one! "What?" He asked, anticipation written across his face.

"The only thing taken was Aluminium Phosphate, often used to make things sticky. And sure enough, the next day, Mr Stark's hands stick to everything. Its a massive prank, and he doesn't accuse anyone! He seems to know its the Kid! And the next morning, the formula on their whiteboard - the one they've been struggling on for weeks - is solved, in red pen, with a note in the corner saying 'Thanks for letting me borrow this - the Kid'. And on the table, is the now half empty bottle of Aluminium Phosphate."
He ended his tale with a conspiratory grin, as Harley was awed by the story.

"What happened to him?" He asked, wanting to know more.

"Well that's just it," Ashley said, "he wasn't kicked out, or fired, or exorcised." They get an odd look at this. "He's still here. He appears every so often, helps us solve our equations and formulas. People leave gifts, sometimes chemicals that are often borrowed, or sweets to keep him placated. They always vanish, to be replaced with a thank you note."

"And what does he look like?" Harley asked eagerly.

"Well, general consensus is that he's somewhere between 12 and 17 years old, about 5'8". Brown curlyish hair, brown eyes. A range of clothes, but if it's late at night he tends to wear a top saying 'I survived my trip to NYC' and Hello Kitty pyjama pants. Very specific, I know, but he wears it a lot after 3am."

Harley was convinced. All that was left now, was to finally see The Kid.


It happened, in Harley's opinion, on a much cooler night than in the first story he heard. It was a Friday, and the sun was just beginning to set outside the floor to ceiling windows, casting a golden glow over the room. Harley had just gone to make coffee for his sunset coffee break (with a view like that he'd be too distracted to work anyway), and when he returned, he found a kid sitting on the table, watching it. He wasn't much younger than Harley himself, sitting with his back to the door and gazing out over the city. Harley walked quietly forward and sat in the table beside him.
The boy looked up with a start, gasping when he saw he was caught - but Harley gasped too.
It was the Kid, no doubt, brown eyes and curlyish brown hair. But the descriptions gave no mention to the fact that this teen was in Harley's opinion, the most adorably hot creature he had ever laid eyes on. He couldnt quite believe that someone caould be both cute and hot, but this Kid managed it. He stared for a little too long, taking in his smooth, pale skin, curious smile and rosy pink lips that Harley just wanted to -
He pulled himself out of his gay panic to notice the boy staring at him, a mixture of nervousness and something familiar that he just couldn't place painting his face.
They stared for a little longer, before they turned to the sky outside, now filling with shades of pink and purple alongside the golden sunset.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Harley murmured after a few minutes.
The kid nodded slowly.
"It... sort of makes some of the pain go away. Watching the sunset helps me realise... even if things go dark, there will always be light waiting. Even if you're sad, happiness is there. It's just hiding, waiting to come out and surprise you." The boy spoke with a childish innocence, tainted by the look in his eyes that spoke of profound loss.
Harley tentatively moved closer, putting an arm around the kid. When he didn't move away, he pulled the boy into a hug.
The boy spoke again, muffled a little against Harley's SI sweater.
"I always watch the sunset alone. It makes me feel calm, and I never thought I'd share it with anyone. But I think I prefer watching the sunset with you."
He pulled out of the hug, looking anxiously at Harley, worried if he was overstepping.
Harley just smiled.
"Harley. Harley Keener."
The kid grinned too.
"Peter Parker."


And so, every night, they would watch the sun set sitting on the table in the lab. They would talk about all manner of things; Peter went ahead and told him everything about his 'internship' and his internship. He promised to take Harley for a swing sometimes. He told him about the projects he was working on. He told him about losing his parents, and Uncle Ben... and Aunt May. In turn Harley told him about his projects, the latest intern's gossip, the legend of the Kid (Peter laughed loudly at this, announcing that he should start walking on walls now for the fun of it. The sound of Peter laughing was so beautiful, that in that moment Harley decided he was going to spend the rest of his life making Peter smile. Little did he know Peter was at that very moment making a very similar vow), his school back in Tennessee, his sister and his mum - and his dad.
They both laughed at Tony's ways of adopting them out of the blue, and they shared tears over each others misfortunes. Finally, it was the night before the interns first projects had to be sent in.
Harley was entering his designs for the Potato Gun Mk 7, having worked on it with Peter late into the night. They were lying on the floor by the window, supposed to be gazing up at the stars. But they weren't. Harley's eyes were firmly on Peter, and Peter returned his gaze. They stared for a while, eyes locked on each other, before Peter sat up abruptly.
"What is it darlin'?" Harley murmured sleepily, before sitting up himself. The pet name had slipped out with the Southern mannerisms and he enjoyed the way Peter blushed when he said it. It stuck.
"I... have something to say. To you. And I don't know how to say it." He stammered.
Harley raised his eyebrows.
"What is it? If someone's done something just tell me who to aim at-"
"No! Nothings wrong. I think." Peter said forcefully, trailing off into uncertainty. "I just... don't wanna mess things up between us."
"Huh?" Harley responded.
"..." Superhero Courage, come on! Come on Spiderman!
"I really like you Harley."
Harley's mind froze, the words crashing into his mind like a spider vigilante swinging through a window.
"Like, I like like you. A lot. Cause you're smart, you're funny, you're super nice and you're... perfect."
He hesitated, waiting for Harley to say something.
"Peter... I-"
"It's okay if you don't-"
They were cut off as their lips pressed together, clumsily kissing as if their lives depended on it. After what seemed like lifetimes they pulled apart, wide smiles on their faces.
"I've been waiting to do that since I walked in on that first sunset."
"Me too."
And if Spiderman patrolled late that night, a wide grin on under the mask, well - no-one needed to know.


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