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Well, what's a better way to spend your Tuesday night fighting the green goblin and a green lizard on a bridge? I mean a lizard come on could at least be something cool like a dinosaur or maybe a dragon but no you decide to be a big, extremely annoying lizard.

I mean imagine me, Spider-Man fighting a dragon that would be so cool. Well, I need to focus and get home quick otherwise my mama spider will ground me.

I made a promise to be back to meet the rouges, I mean the other half of the avengers as they have been claimed innocent and allowed to return home. No one but Mr stark, uncle Clint, Uncle Fury and Dr banner know that I am Peter Parker Romanov son of the black widow.

How cool is it that the black widow is my mama spider and my favourite person ever except when she does her stand still with her arms crossed and glares at me? Just because 1 time I didn't want to do my homework and wanted to build a Lego Death Star she stood at my door for an hour not saying anything, just standing... staring.

Honestly, I thought she died because of how quiet she was but nope and eventually I caved and she left smirking. Honestly, my mother will be the death of me.

Anyways back to the super exciting fight right? I fling myself towards Green goblin my feet together in a sideways pencil dive style and slammed full force into his chest sending him into a semi-truck and knocking him unconscious.

Great right we'll unfortunately for me I didn't see the small orange bomb he dropped and as soon as my spider senses realised what happened it exploded...

I sit up coughing up blood and holding my head as the ringing noises echoed around my head and ears.

Karen my favourite suit lady is speaking to me about my injuries but I'm too dazed to even focus on what's wrong with me and how serious it is.

Then a shadow looms over me. Great I forgot about lizard man he slashed my chest leaving 3 massive scratches and ripping the suit straight through. Oooo Mr Stark is going to kill me this was a new suit for goodness sake.

He grabs my head in one hand and slams me against the floor.. and again .. and again and on his next attempt, I web his leg and yank as hard as I can pulling him on the floor. This fight will be over quickly.

I can't continue long so with my last remaining strength I stand in front of Lizard and launch myself at him sending us both off Manhattan bridge and into the darkness below. All that can be heard is the roar from The lizard and then nothing...


Scary red-haired lady POV

"Mr stark the avengers are 5 minutes from the compound."

" Thank you FRI," Tony says still in the kitchen cooking for the others.

Tony and I have been waiting all day for the "avengers" to come over for dinner and make amends I guess.

I couldn't care less because my only focus is on the news watching the fight between my son and those horrible, pathetic villains. I swear to god if they hurt my маленького паучка I will kill them and everyone else in the room and then myself.

Maybe too extreme but that's my son and I would die within a second if it meant saving his life because I want to think I'm a good mother and I'd do anything to keep him happy.

The fight is going on for a while and it's an intense 2v1. Two maniacs vs a 17-year-old yet, Peter seems to have the upper hand. FRIDAY speaks interrupting the news.

" Sir the avengers are here should I let them in."

" Yes FRIDAY please do that, thank you." Wow, Tony has manners but only to Peter and an AI wow what a strange person honestly.

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