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A/N welp um- sorry

A cool breeze grazed peters face. He shuddered, wrapping his arms around his body, to try and gather any warmth.

He sighed, and a puff of air left his mouth.

He did not want to be cold anymore.
He did not want to worry May anymore.
He did not want to bother Tony anymore.
He did not want to be a burden anymore.

So there he was, on an empty highway, considering jumping into the murky water below.

He did not want to be bullied anymore.
He did not want to live anymore.
He did not want to be anything anymore.
He wanted to be something.


But he gave up on that dream months ago.

He considered dying many times.

He's encountered death before. A mugger had stabbed him in his stomach, and he bled out before Tony could reach him.

He was pronounced dead for 10 minutes.

Those 10 minutes were the best 10 minutes of his life.

He was in darkness. But, then there was this brilliant light above him.

He heard whispers and cries all around him.

As he floated to the light, he looked all around him and realized there were jail cells all around him.

Crying souls were in the cells.

Their hands were reaching out to him, trying to pull him down. To become one of them.

But he craves the light.

He tried to get closer to the light, and he did.

He reached the light.

And he was in a garden.

It was the most amazing garden he had ever been in.

A man approached him, and he looked angelic.

As the man spoke in a tongue he didn't understand, the man's expression grew grim.

"It's not your time, young one. You must go back." The man spoke, before placing his hand on Peters forehead.

As soon as the skin made contact, Peter woke up.

And suddenly, he did not feel at peace, nor did he feel amazing.

He felt bothered, and an excruciating pain enveloped his entire body.

Peter shuddered, rubbing his stomach where he could still feel the knife.

But soon, he wouldn't feel anything anymore.

He would feel nothing.

He let out a shaky breath, and stood up.

Suddenly, he heard thrusters.

He sighed, and looked behind him.

There, was Tony Stark.

The iron man mask came off, and he saw Tony's disappointed face.

"Hey bud, you wanna step away from that ledge?" He asked, reaching out a hand.

For some reason, as Peter took his hand he could hold it in anymore.

And he cried.


He sobbed in Tony's arms, shaking.

Tony just stood there, holding him and rubbing his back the entire time.

When Peter finally stopped sobbing, Tony asked, "You wanna go home?"

Peter nodded his head, and Tony picked him up.

As Tony rose into the air, he spoke.

"Ya know, I've always hated you." Peter froze in his arms. "And, I thought to myself, 'what better way to get rid of Peter, than to beat him at his own game?' No one will believe that The Tony Stark would murder a child. I'll just.. say you committed suicide. After all, isn't that what you were about to do?"

Peter tried to make Tony let him go, but he wouldn't. "Tony this isn't funny. Let me go." Peters voice quivered.

"Any last words, Pete?" Tony asked.

"Tell May i love her." Peter whispered, as he accepted defeat.

Tony nodded. "Goodbye, Underoos."

Peter shook his head. "You don't deserve to call me that."

And with that, Tony dropped him.

Peter let out a loud sob, mixed with a scream. This was the end. He never thought out of all the people that would kill him, that it would be Tony Stark.

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