online class

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Online classes. They meant not going to school, nor having to interact with people. They meant doing things at your own pace, calmly. They also meant relative peace.


Wrong. For Peter Parker (or Stark, now) online classes meant hell.


"Hi, Mr. Harrington!" Peter said happily to the man through the screen as he sat in his room.

"Hi, Peter," the teacher replied. "Okay, now that everyone's here, we can begin the class."

The first ten minutes went by quite well, giving Peter the false impression that maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all.

'One would think that Parker Luck™ would fade away once I became a Stark,' Peter thought bitterly as Natasha unknowingly opened his bedroom door and asked him if he felt like training.

"Not right now, мама паук," he said while looking at the floor. His teacher had stopped talking once he realized the whole class was gaping at Peter's image rather than listening. Mr. Harrington, too, stared in bewilderment for some seconds before regaining his composure.

"I'm sorry for the disruption, Mr. Harrington," Peter apologized awkwardly as Natasha closed the door, not before kissing his forehead.

"Was that the Black Widow?!" Sally asked.

"What. The. Heck." That was Abe.

"Where are you, Peter?!" Cindy was shooketh.

"I- Uhhh-"

"That's enough," the teacher intervened. "Now, let's continue with the class." Peter mentally thanked the man and every god in existence. Especially his Uncle Thor and Loki.

Everything was alright for a couple of minutes, but Peter may have prayed a little too much.

"Peter, you called? Is everything alright?" Loki said from the doorway. Peter covered his face with his hands as he took a deep breath.

"Yeah, Uncle Loki."

The god raised an eyebrow. "I'm the god of lies for a reason, child."

"We'll talk about this later, Uncle Loki." Hesitantly, in suspicion, the god agreed and left.

"What?" Betty asked.

"What?" Cindy asked.

"What?" Charles asked.

"What?" Abe asked.


"Continuing with the class," Mr. Harrington interrupted, "we will now start the next topic." Tiredly, Peter nodded.

The following fifteen minutes were fairly peaceful. If Sam, Clint and Bucky stealthily entered his room and hid there, Peter ignored it (unlike his shocked class).

Then Wanda barged into the room.

"Where are those idiots?!" she asked angrily, red magic swirling around her.

"Wanda, I love you, but this is not the time." The witch's expression softened slightly as she gazed over the teen she saw as a little brother.

"Just tell me where they are, please."

Peter sighed. "Check under my bed for Sam, the closet for Bucky and the curtains for Clint."

Wanda smiled widely as she willed her magic to bring the men from their now revealed hiding spots. "Thank you, Pete." She ruffled his hair and turned to walk out the door, with three screaming Avengers floating behind her.

Peter knew that his classmates would go insane if he didn't stop them, so he hurried to apologize. "I'm really sorry, Mr. Harrington. Can we continue now?"

"Oh, no, Peter. You're not getting out of this one," Flash said. "Just where are you?"


"Enough. The lesson has to go on."

And so it did. The lesson went on, but the students' attention had long since strayed to the resident nerd's part of the screen, hoping excitedly for something else to happen. Many were in shock, though, and could be seen with dishinged jaws and wide eyes. The screaming guys, gals and nonbinary pals had been fortunately muted by the teacher a great while ago.

Soon enough, the students' wish came true, as Bruce Banner came into the room while rubbing his eyes.

"Peter, your dad is asking for you at your lab. Something about improving the team's weapons and suits?"

"Oh, please tell him I'll be there in an hour. And get some sleep, Uncle Bruce; you need it."

"Yeah, yeah. Sure." And just like that, he left.

The online class was silent. After all, they hadn't just seen the most renowned scientist alive and occasional green rage monster come into their classmate's bedroom.

Oh, wait, they had. And they were not silent at all.





"STOP IT!" It was the teacher, and he was completely done with the situation, just as Peter was. He had to mute everyone before speaking once again. "I don't know what Mr. Parker's situation is, but I know that if there existed measures to avoid it, he would have taken them. We will have to ignore everything else going on in the video call that doesn't regard the lesson, as one of the many challenges of online classes. Aaaaand I lost them again." Mr. Harrington sighed as he saw all the muted students freak out over a new occurrence in Peter's room.

This time, that happened to be a red person/robot thingy literally phasing through the wall of the room.

The red person said something that made Peter stand up quickly, but they couldn't hear anything. Vision- as now everyone recognized him- pointed at the door just as it opened and in came two people fighting.

Two people who just happened to be Tony Stark and Steve Rogers.

Peter started gesturing wildly, trying to break their angry banter, and completely ignoring the class that was still watching him in astonished amazement.

At some point, Vision had slowly backed away and phased out of the room, leaving the pair of superheroes and the teenager on their own.

Peter suddenly grabbed his hair and left the room in obvious frustration, being quickly followed by Tony while Steve stayed behind and watched them leave with slumped shoulders.

The man's enhanced hearing picked up the voice of the teacher coming out of the earbuds, telling them that class was over due to their behavior. Steve turned around only to find multiple screaming teenagers in a screen. He approached it in confusion, eyeing it warily, and started pressing random buttons to turn it off.

The last thing the chemistry students saw in Peter Parker's part of the screen was Captain America's dewlap, then the call was cut off.

One thought remained in all their minds: what the flying fuck?

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