Field trip...overnight (PART 3)

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"I'm on a trip." Peter gained his composure.

"oh." was Holly's reply.

"Is everything all right?" Mr. Harrington asked Holly noticing her sudden change in demeanour.

"Yeah" she replied. "Anyways, there is a bathroom in the room you will be in if you need to use it in the night. And now, that," Holly pointed to the end of the hall, that is the private lab of the intern, it has a private elevator, and a set of stairs that connect it to Tony Stark's personal lab right above it."

"Wow" Charles breathed out.

"Yeah, that's cool." Cindy said what was on everyone's minds.

"Will we get to meet the intern who lives here!? Just by his house he seems pretty cool." Flash spoke up.

"I have a feeling you already have." Peter muttered.

"What was that Penis?" Flash questioned.


"No Eugene," Holly read off of Flash's badge. "He is doing something with his school tonight" She looked Peter right in the eyes.

Holly finished touring Peters floor and led the students to the cafeteria for dinner.

Peter snickered at his classmates shocked reactions as they were led into the cafeteria for dinner, to be honest though, he had done the same thing the first time he was here as well.

The room was fairly impressive, walking in, there were two options, directly to the seating area or through a line to collect food and then to the seating area. The team was shepherded into line.

"Okay everyone, you will tell Friday what you want to eat off of the menu and walk on, your food will appear in one of th cubbies over there, from then, you walk over to the seating area, you may sit anywhere on the bottom floor, the loft is where the Avengers are currently eating. Where they choose to dine depends greatly on the day, and you do not have that access anyways."

No one noticed peter had stepped away until he was towards the top of the spiral staircase up to the Avengers scanning his card.

"Hey, whats Parker doing up there?" Abraham questioned.

Peter discreetly slipped into the room, and Holly was quickly interrupted by a few screams from up where the earth's mightiest heroes were dining.

"He's gonna get his ass kicked." Flash said, a cocky smirk appearing on his face.

A chorus of "Pete!"s and "Peter!"s were heard next, and then a "I'm gonna kill you!"

"Good luck with that!" Came Peters voice. "Come get me old man!"

"Why the hell is he taunting an Avenger?" Cindy questioned.

"I don't know, but he's gonna get himself killed."

"Nice one kid, the glitter was a nice touch, I like it."

"Tony and Steve are gonna take years getting that out of their hair." Came Peter's cocky reply.

"LET US FEAST UPON THE FEELINGS OF THE TIN CAN!" A voice easily identifiable as Hawkeye came through.

"Here, Here!" Came from many voices.

"Anyways," Holly continued, "Let's continue our dinner and see how long it takes them to notice they had the intercom on for the Cafeteria." Everyone nodded and ordered their food, still chatting amongst themselves about what had just happened. Every once in a while, a scream could be heard from above, but they were mostly drowned out by the streams of hungry workers coming in and eating dinner.

About 30 minutes later the Avengers descended from the stairs, the workers didn't even look up, but Midtown couldn't stop staring, in their awe, no one noticed Peter sneak back to the table as if nothing happened, and the boy denied heading up, and went back to eating his Stir-Fry, which wasn't even on the Menu. Everyone eventually passed it off as the super-spies being super-spies, but many were suspicious.

Soon Dinner was over and it was time to tour Tony and Peters private labs.

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